twenty-seven : missing

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"-I..." I look away from him. I know the way I feel about Lexa, but I've known Bellamy forever and this just made everything so awkward.
"Bellamy!! Look what we found!" Someone runs by the small cave.
"We will talk later." I say as we stand up. He nods and walks out, with me following close behind.
The words ring through my head. I'm in love with you. If I went back in time and told my 16 year-old self that Bellamy had feelings for us, I wouldn't believe me. I would probably say something along the lines of 'Whatever'.
"Earth to Briar!" Octavia waves her hand in front of my line of vision. My eyes snap to her face.
"Huh?" I guess I zoned out.
"Off in la-la land, Bri?" She teases as we walk into the gates of camp.
I scoff as I set the gun down, "Where's Bellamy?" She slides the long blade she got from Lincoln into a sheath.
"I have no clue. I'll look for him though." I turn and start to look through the tents after she replies offering to help.
I look through about 5 tents until I see Raven's tent. Maybe she knows where Bellamy is. I open the flap, peeking my head in. I walk in on them doing something I did not want to see. I immediately turn and walk away, stunned. Bellamy just told me that he was in love with me. Why would he do something so irrational?
"Wait! Briar!" I turn and see Bellamy chasing after me, shirtless. At least he took the time to put some pants on.
"Listen, Briar-" He is still buttoning his pants.
"Why?" I interrupt.
"I know that you are in love with Lexa. You aren't in love with me. I just needed to get it off my chest and then move on. That's how I was moving on." He motions towards the tent with Raven standing outside of it.
"Bell..." I trail off.
"Don't try to make me feel better. We need to just go back to being friends. I shouldn't have even-" Out of nowhere, I have the impulse to do something irrational just like he did. I take a step foward, closing the distance between our lips. Bellamy moves his hands to my waist and closes the distance there, too.
Bellamy's POV
I don't expect for Briar to understand why I did what I did.
"Bell..." She says softly.
"Don't try to make me feel better. We need to just go back to being friends. I shouldn't have even-" She takes a step forward leaving little space in between our bodies. She leans in quickly and places her lips on mine. I close the space by pulling her hips forward. She moves her hands to the sides of my face, and I slide mine to the small of her back. Time stops and all that matters is this moment. This is the moment I will remember when I take my last breath. This is the moment I will remember when Briar is carrying my children. This is the moment I will remember when we get into arguments that won't matter the next day. I will remember when the woman I am in love with kissed me when I doubted my love for her.
"I hate to interrupt, but Clarke and Finn are gone. They haven't came back yet." I slowly open my eyes and turn my head to see my younger sister standing there.
Briar's POV
I pull away at the sound of Octavia's voice.
"When was the last time someone seen them?" I attempt to wipe the smile off my face. Bellamy is turning pink.
"Whenever we left to go hunting." She puts her hands on her hips and puts her weight on one leg. She looks between the two of us. "Since when do you two make out?"
"We weren't making out." I reply and copy her stance.
"Looked like you two were about to swallow each other." She jokes and walks off. Bellamy is a dark shade of red now. I follow her and wink at him. I don't know what this is going to become. I haven't even ended things with Lexa. Oh shit. I just cheated on Lexa. I promised myself years ago that I would be loyal to everyone I ever had feelings for. Now I've just ruined what I have with her.
I need to focus. My head keeps wandering back to that moment with Bellamy. I walk past a bush and then turn back because I see something.
"Hey! There's something in this bush!" I squat down and push the limbs around. I see a wounded Myles laying there.
"Oh my god! Bellamy!" Raven yells and squats down beside me. Bellamy runs up shortly after. "Myles, what happened? Where are they? Clarke and Finn, where are they?"
"Grounders took them." He manages to groan out.
"Take it easy. We have to get him back to camp." Bellamy orders and calls a few guys over to carry Myles.
"Bell, what about Clarke and Finn?" Raven looks him straight in the eye. Since when does she call him Bell? I thought only Octavia and me called him that.
"Raven, I'm sorry." He puts a hand on her shoulder. She shoves it off.
"We need to make a stretcher." She motions to the guys.
I lead the way back to camp with Bellamy on my right side and Raven on my left. None of us have said a word after Monty didn't answer his walkie-talkie.

The Ground : Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now