eleven : crushes and spilled secrets

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I find Bellamy and Octavia.

"Hey guys. Did you hear about Wells?" I ask them. They both nod.

"Yeah, but he deserved it. His father is a jerk." Octavia says while sharpening a blade.

"Maybe, but Clarke is crushed over it. Plus, he's not his father. It's not like Wells decided to float all those people." I argue.

"I guess so. Who did it?" She asks, still sharpening her blade.

"I don't know. I'm going to find out though." I say, planning something.

"Since when do you care so much about Wells and Clarke?" Bellamy asks, tilting his head and smirking.

"I don't know. Just today, seeing her crying. It just sparked something. It reminded me of when Dad died." I say, looking at the ground.

"You sure you don't have a thing for her?" Bellamy accuses me. I slap his arm.

"What do you mean 'a thing for her'?" Octavia asks, looking away from the blade.

"I haven't told her, Bellamy!" I say, looking at him angrily.

"Haven't told me what?!" Octavia says looking to the both of us.

"Sorry." He whispers and then walks away.

"Briar. Haven't told me what?" She says more calmly now.

"I'm bisexual. I like girls and guys." I say looking at her to see her reaction. Her face forms into a smile and she pulls me into a hug.

"I still love you." She says talking into my hair. I smile and hug her tighter. She gets out of the hug.

"So, do you have a thing for Clarke?" She asks with a stupid grin across her face.

"I don't know. Maybe." I say running my fingers through my hair.

"Well if you do, she would be crazy not to like you back. Unless she's straight." She says still with a grin across her face.

"I can turn her bi." I smile and wink at Octavia. I walk away.

Bellamy walks over to me.

"Hey, you so like her don't you?" He nags while poking at my sides.

"Stop!" I say while laughing. He quits.

"Yes, maybe I do. So what?" I say while still walking.

"I knew it!" He yells.

"Shh! God, I just told you today." I say while turning to look at him. "You think she'll like me back?" I ask him, being serious now.

"Duh. Why wouldn't she?" He replies, staring at me. "You've got an amazing personality, you could take good care of her, you would love her to the ends of the world, and you're gorgeous." He explains further.

"Shut up." I say and walk away. He follows me.

"You don't believe me?" He asks, grabbing my wrist.

"Well, maybe the first parts, but the gorgeous part is pushing it. I mean I know I'm pretty, but not extremely beautiful." I explain to him, trying not to sound like an attention hog. He pulls me to a group of girls and guys.

"Uh, Uh. We aren't doing this, Bellamy." I say trying to pull away. He keeps his grip.

"Hey, quick question. Is she gorgeous?" He asks with a stupid grin on his face like he gets when he gets his way.

"Yeah." "Sure." "Dude, yeah." "She's alright." One of the girls says.

"See Bell, if she doesn't think I'm pretty, is the other girl going to?" I look at him and ask.

"What girl? You're gay?" One of the guys asks.

"I'm bisexual." I look at him and then back to Bellamy.

"She will." He says, full confidence in his voice. I walk off and over to Finn.

"Hey Finn, how is Clarke?" I ask and sit beside him.

"She's alright, I guess. She's been moping around his grave almost all day." He explains and looks at the ground.

"You like her don't you?" I ask and look at him. He looks at me.

"Yeah, but I have a girlfriend on the Ark. I don't know if she's coming down. Ever." He says looking back at the ground.

"Oh." I say and look at Clarke. She's sitting by Wells' grave. She's beautiful. Even when she's not trying to be. She looks up and sees me. She starts walking over. I stand up.

"Hey Briar." She says with a raspy voice, obviously from crying.

"Hey Clarke. How are you feeling?" I ask rubbing her arm.

"I'll be better soon. Can we talk? About anything?" She asks. I nod and we walk off, into the forest. We sit down across from each other, both of us leaning against a tree.

"So, tell me about your life, Clarke." I say and look at her.

She tells me her life story, and I listen, actually interested. When she finishes, she looks to me.

"What about you, doll?" She asks, and I melt at the nickname she gave me. I start talking about mine. Halfway into it, we hear someone yelling our names. I get up and help her up, and we both run back to camp.

The Ground : Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now