ten : im sorry

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I fell asleep in Bell and Tavia's tent, but when I wake up, neither of them are there. I walk outside and over to Monty.

"Hey Monty." I say leaning against the dropship wall beside him.

"Hey Briar. We haven't talked in a while." He says, sounding a bit upset.

"Yeah, I guess I just got caught up with everything going on. I'll try to talk to you more." I look at him while saying this.

"Sounds good." He says, smiling widely at me.

"So, how's contacting the Ark going?" I ask while looking back to the crowd of people standing around the camp.

"It's going. We still haven't made contact yet, but I have a feeling we will soon." He explains to me.

"That's good. Let me know if you do. I have someone I want to talk to." I say, my smile fading some.

"Of course. I'm going to go see Jasper. Would you like to come with?" He asks motioning towards the opening of the dropship.

"Umm, sure. Only for a bit though. I need to find someone." I say and a smile spreads across his face. I follow him into the part of the dropship where Jasper is.

We talk for a bit. Then I head outside to find Bellamy. I see Clarke crying into Finn's chest. I walk over and put my hand on her back.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I say. She looks up from Finn's chest. Her face is covered in tears.

"Wells was murdered." She says while crying.

"Oh honey, come here." I motion for her to cry on my shoulder. She moves over to my chest and starts sobbing. Finn walks off. I rub up and down her back and hum a song, trying to calm her.

"It's okay. Shh. It's fine." I say soothingly.


After a while, she calms down and stops crying. She pulls away from my chest. I brush the hair out of her face.

"Thank you." She says while forcing a small smile.

"I'm here anytime. I understand how you feel. I'll be around if you need to talk." I smile and touch her shoulder. Then I walk away, looking for Bellamy.

The Ground : Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now