fourteen : the audacity

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I feel someone running their fingers up and down my arm. Opening my eyes, I see a girl looking at me. Because of the darkness, I can't make out who she is.

"Look who finally woke up." She says, and I know exactly who it is.

"Hey O. How long have I been asleep for?" I ask, attempting to sit up. She pushes my shoulder back down.

"Ay! You're resting, and several hours. You missed a lot." She taunts.

"What did I miss?" I ask, interested.

"Well firstly, Charlotte jumped off a cliff to save Clarke. Then, Murphy got banished for causing that to happen. Bellamy's crushed. Plus, he doesn't know about your little thing with Murphy." She says quickly.

"Um, okay? So, no Murphy and no Charlotte." I ask and she nods her head.

I lay my head back down, but then pick it back up.

"Can I please just go outside for a second?" I ask her. She nods and helps me up. I hobble outside. Octavia is right at my side, ready to catch me if I fall.

"What does my face look like?" I ask her when I see Clarke.

"Like you just got a beat-down." She says and chuckles a bit. Clarke runs over.

"What happened to you?!" She asks, looking around my face.

"Murphy and I got into it." I say, not wanting to go into detail.

"Oh. Well, he's gone now. You should be resting." She says, putting my arm around her shoulder.

"No, I just need some fresh air for a moment." I say and she puts my arm back down.

"So did you win the fight, Bri?" Octavia asks with a grin on her face.

"Yes. He surrendered." I say laughing, but then stop because it hurts.

"You alright?" Clarke asks when I suddenly stop laughing.

"Yeah, just sore." I touch my abdomen.

"You got punched in the stomach?" Octavia asks, suddenly worried.

"Yeah, but I'll be fine." I say, brushing it off.

"Can I see it? To make sure it's not too bad." Clarke asks. I nod and lift my shirt. There is a purple and blue bruise in the middle of my stomach. It's not huge, but it's about the size of Murphy's fist.

"This must've hurt. I'm sorry, Briar. That you had to go through that." Clarke says and Octavia agrees.

"Don't be. He's got it worse than I did." I say pulling my shirt back down. "Plus, it'll be gone in a few days." I brush it off and walk away. They both run up to my sides.

"Calm down. It's not like I'm going to fall." I say and keep walking.

"But you could." Octavia objects. I roll my eyes.

Monty walks over.

"Briar, you're supposed to be resting." He says and tries to guide me back to the dropship.

"I'm just stretching my legs. Plus, all I did was get in a fight. No big deal." I brush it off again.

"At least sit down." He says and guides me over to a seat. I sit down, not wanting to be bossed around anymore. Some guy walks over.

"You're that girl who beat Murphy's ass!" The guy says and I see multiple more people walk over. Along with Bellamy, but he stands beside my chair. All the others are standing in front of it.

"Yeah." I say with a straight face.

"I'm Hayes, but you can call me yours." He smirks and leans down so he's face to face with me.

I hear Octavia snort, which causes me to start laughing. I put a hand over my stomach and try to stop laughing.

"Sorry. That was cheesy." I say, still chuckling a bit.

"I'm not a weatherman" He leans close to my ear and whispers. "But you can expect a few more inches tonight." My jaw drops open, and my eyes go wide.

"What did he just say?" Bellamy asks leaning down and looking at me.

"Nothing. It doesn't matter." I say and look away. I see Hayes smirking. He walks off and his friends follow.

"The audacity that guy has." I put a hand over my face and shake my head. "He said 'I'm not a weatherman, but you can expect a few more inches tonight'" Octavia busts out laughing, so does Clarke. Bellamy just looks at Hayes.

"Calm down, Bell. It's not like I'm going to take up on his offer tonight. I'm too sore." I say looking at him.

"What do you mean tonight?" He mocks and stares at me.

"Jesus, Bellamy. You need to have some fun. We all need to get laid, honestly." I say looking at everyone around me.

"I am hopefully getting laid soon." Clarke says with a small smile on her face.

"What?" I ask and look at her. "With Finn?" She nods, and I get up. "I'll be in the dropship. I'm actually kind of tired." I grab Bellamy's arm and make him help me to it.

When I lay in the hammock, I look at Bellamy.

"Should I try to make her jealous? I don't even think she has any idea I like her." I seek advice from Bellamy.

"If that's what you want to do. Just don't do anything stupid. You don't need to get pregnant." He says and walks away.

"I'm not that oblivious!" I yell as he walks out.

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