four : the truth

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After I calm down, I hear someone walking behind me. I turn and look at them.

"Hey, Briar."

"Bell. Did I screw it up?"

"No, if anything that jerk, Gavin, did. You answered how anyone would, okay?"

I nod and hug him.

"Thanks for everything, Bell."

"It's not a problem, Briar Rose"

We hug for a bit until I pull away.

"What were you saying earlier? About Gavin?" I ask, recalling the conversation we started before Gavin came in the dropship.

"It's- um, nothing." He rubs his hand through his hair and then to the back of his neck.

"Liar. You did the hand thing. The one you do when you lie. What is it?"

"I need you to promise you won't get even more mad than before."

I nod.

"While you were locked up, I guess Gavin thought he wasn't going to see you again, so he, um."

"He what, Bellamy?"

"He got with another girl. Her name's Julia, I think."

"He cheated?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, but someone had to tell you one day. I guess the sooner the better."

"I understand, Bellamy. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have got with him anyway. He was older and I was young and stupid. Should I confront him?"

"Not right now. Maybe later. Let's walk back to camp though, okay?"

We walk back in silence while I comprehend what Bell just told me.

(a/n sryy for the short chapter! this is an older story so it needs editing , which i am working on , and some of the chapters will be much longer than others)

The Ground : Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now