PROLOGUE Part 1: Chat with the Family

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In the present day of Copper 9, the male leader of the Worker Drones F/N L/N was going through the blueprints of the fortress to further upgrade the defenses.

In the present day of Copper 9, the male leader of the Worker Drones F/N L/N was going through the blueprints of the fortress to further upgrade the defenses

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As he was, he heard knocking from his door.

F/N: It's unlocked.

The door opened and revealed to be his best friend Khan Doorman, the man with a plan.

The door opened and revealed to be his best friend Khan Doorman, the man with a plan

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Khan: Evening.

F/N: Evening, Khan. Everything alright?

Khan: Everything's going good, so far. The defenses are being upgraded as you planned.

F/N: Good. Now, all that's left is to modify the systems and upgrade the doors.

Khan: Hey, I've heard you have children. How are they doing?

F/N: Pretty good. What about you? I've heard you have a daughter.

Khan: Yeah. She's like her mother.

F/N: *chuckles* Yeah.

Khan: Well, I'll leave you to it. Just came to see if you were doing alright.

F/N: Alright. See ya.

With that, Khan left the room and F/N went back to his work. Meanwhile, a young boy with F/C eyes and F/C hair and is wearing a black t-shirt, denim blue pants, and black shoes was seen relaxing. And this boy happens to be Y/N L/N.

 And this boy happens to be Y/N L/N

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MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now