Death in the Family Part 3: Murder Drones

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???: Hehehehehe

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???: Hehehehehe. As if my day hasn't gotten any better.

He was frozen in his tracks as he was shaking in fear.

???: Aw. Look at that. You're trembling. And you look kinda cute. For a Worker Drone. Shame you have to die, though. I hate to see such a face like yours go to waste. Don't worry, though. I'll give you a swift and painless death.

??? #2: Ugh. Honestly, V. You can be so childish.

Y/N heard another voice behind him and he turned to see another Murder Drone.

She jumped from a car and landed on the ground behind Y/N and he just stood there

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She jumped from a car and landed on the ground behind Y/N and he just stood there.

??? #2: Stop wasting time and help me kill him.

V: *sighs* Come on, J. Lighten up a little. At least let's have some fun with him before we kill him.

J: If we waste any more time playing with him, then we won't be able to finish our job. All because of you and that moron bot.

V: Don't try to compare me to him, J. Unlike him, I don't screw up.

J: Just shut up and help me kill him.

V: Oh, alright.

They both then unsheathed their claws and Y/N couldn't do anything.

???: Hey!

Y/N and the others turned to the source and saw F/N and M/N.

Y/N: Just in the nick of time.

F/N: Y/N, get out of here! Go! Now!

Y/N quickly ran away from the scene and the others were staring at each other.

V: So, you two are the head leaders of the Worker Drones? Tell me something. Why would two Disassembly Drones be protecting such weak and pathetic machines?

F/N: Why would you two go after a youngling and gang up on him?

J: We have our orders to kill all Worker Drones. Those who stand in our way will die along with them.

M/N: Is this under humanity's orders?

J: What do you think? They're the ones who sent us here.

F/N: Then, we'll be sure the humans join you after we're done.

J: Ha! I'd like to see you keep up with us. V, go after the Worker Drone. I'll take care of them.

V then took off and the other two watched.

F/N: M/N, go after her! I got this!

She took off after V to save Y/N, leaving F/N and J to fight it out. Meanwhile, Y/N was seen running away, trying to find a place to hide. However, V was able to find him and stopped in front of him.

V: Hello again, boy. Thought you could get away?

Y/N: Look, I have no interest in dying today, but if you want to kill me, then just get it over with!

V: Kill you? Hahaha! No, not yet.

Y/N: What? Why not?

V: Hehehehehe. To be honest, I think your kinda cute for a small fry.

Y/N: Quit saying weird stuff! It's not like you to be like this!

V: Well, you should be considering yourself lucky. Not many people catch my eye.

Y/N: If you don't want to kill me, then what do you intend to do with me?

V: Well, first off, I'd like to have some fun with my prey. Watch them run away in fear, trying to hide from me. But for you, since your too young for that, I'll give you a handicap. I will let you live if you continue to improve yourself and grow up a little. Do that and you will make good prey for me to hunt. And speaking of good prey, we got company. Don't go anywhere.

M/N landed on the ground and was ready to confront V.

M/N: What did you do to my son?

V: Why so angry? I didn't do anything, yet. I'm just having a good talk. Be thankful I'm willing to spare him. You, on the other hand, are expandable.

M/N: Then, come and get me.

They both then flew up and clashed. While Y/N was on the ground, he watched as the fight commenced in the air.

Y/N: The parts!

With that in his head, he quickly ran away and tried to find the parts. Meanwhile, after M/N knocked V back, she looked to the ground and noticed Y/N wasn't in sight.

M/N: Wait, where did he go?

However, V took this chance to pierce her hand through M/N's body. She pulled it out and looked at the same direction and noticed, too. On Y/N's side, he was having a hard time. However, he heard something fall to the ground and looked to see M/N's body laying lifeless on the ground.

Y/N: No!

He then watched as V landed and looked at him.

V: *sighs* I tried to tell you not to go anywhere. You always like this towards everyone?

He then saw another lifeless body drop to the ground and noticed it was F/N and J as she landed next to V.

Y/N: No... You monsters!

J: Enough playing around, V. Let's kill him, now.

V: But, aren't you a little tired from your fight? Don't overwork yourself too much.

J: ... *sighs* Fine. We'll let you off easily, shrimp. But, the next time we meet, we won't hesitate to kill you. Let's go, V.

She took off, leaving Y/N and V. She walked over to him and he braced for impact. But, what she did was very surprising when she just kissed him on the cheek.

V: Later, boy.

She took off and flew after J, leaving Y/N to watch. Y/N turned his attention to his parents and ran over to them. However, their bodies were gone. He didn't see them take the bodies with them, but they couldn't move because they were dead. So many questions were going on in his head, but he was left with a conclusion that they were dead. With that in mind, he had to hurry home. After hours, he finally made it back and was met by S/N running to him and hugging him.

S/N: Mom and Dad. Did they...?

He sighed and just looked away. S/N gasped quietly for she knew what happened. She couldn't help but cry into his arms and he hugged her to comfort her, but it's tough to feel comforted when the people you love die and you couldn't save them or it's your fault they're dead. That's exactly what's going on through his head. Y/N was too weak to help them and it was his fault they were dead. After everything, ge told everyone what happened and everyone, including Khan and Uzi, mourned over their deaths, but he was the most mournful of all. Y/N still blames himself for what happened to his parents, but he didn't let their deaths shatter his goal to kill the Murder Drones. Now, it was personal. For him and his sister.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now