Betrayal (Y/N's Side)

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Meanwhile, Y/N was carrying S/N while him and Uzi were running back to the facility. However, at the top of the corpse tower, V was seen watching you as you were running and laughed.

V: Yo, we got a few Workers out there. I kinda wanna practice balloon animal shapes with. Also, there is one Worker Drone that looks vaguely familiar. What happened here?

J: Synergistic liability here must have tripped and knocked himself offline.

She then slapped N and he shut down for a moment.

J: Moron bot, hello?

When N came back online, he recalled the memories of meeting Y/N, S/N, and Uzi.

Uzi: *past* You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the Workers are dead?

Y/N: *past* Um, aren't they already disposed of?

He rewinds.

Uzi: *past* Bite me!

(You're Dead, Idiot)

N: Oh.

He then looked at the direction Y/N and the others took off to and realized something.

N: *groans* Yo, I left an extremely dangerous weapo- Ah, excuse, uh, outside!

He took off to chase after you and the others.

When he was on his way, he then remembered what you and S/N said

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When he was on his way, he then remembered what you and S/N said.

Y/N: *past* Well, basically, I'm just wanna be the kind of person that everyone can depend on. But, it's kinda hard to do that since I'm responsible for a terrible accident that occurred 3 years ago.

S/N: *past* Your pretty funny, you know that? Honestly, I fail to see how your useless and terrible.

Y/N: *past* You know, N, your not as bad as I thought. Your different from the others.

N sighed as he was in deep thought. Meanwhile, when the others were close to the hideout, Y/N looked back and came up with something.

Y/N: Uzi! Take S/N with you and go back to the hideout.

Uzi: What? Why? What are you doing?

Y/N: I'm going back there to buy us some time.

S/N: What?! No! It's dangerous. Y/N, what if you get killed?

Y/N: Then, I'll go down trying. Just go and get to the hideout. Go!

S/N then hugged him and took off. Uzi walked up to Y/N and was about to slap him and he flinched.

Uzi: Shame on you if you really thought I was going to actually follow through.

She then grabbed Y/N's shirt and pulled him to her and kissed him on the lips. She lets go of him and they both blushed.

Uzi: *blushing* For good luck. Make sure you come back alive.

She then took off and Y/N sighed and smiled, but then snapped out of thought and turned around. But, he then started panicking.

Y/N: Ah! What the hell were you thinking, Y/N?! You can't take them on by yourself. How am I supposed to do this? Okay, calm down. You've been preparing yourself for this for a long time. But, to think it's all happening today. I mean, who am I kidding? I can't do this. But, I have to. As the eldest son of the family. Okay. I can do this. Here goes.

He then took off into the distance towards the Murder Drone lair, hoping to ambush them while their guard is down. After he arrived, he hid behind a wall and gathered up the courage to face them. With his courage at ready, his hand changed into a mini gun and got in position as he appeared from behind the wall.

Y/N: Alright, you monsters! Hands up!

However, nobody was in there and he confused.

Y/N: What? Wait, where did they go? And where's N?

His hand went back to normal and he began looking around. However, when he looked back, he realized something and gasped.

Y/N: Oh no.

He then started to run as fast as he could back to the hideout, hoping he could get there in time.

Y/N: What the hell was I thinking? Of course it was obvious they would try to follow us! And now, I had to separate the team, just so I can catch them off-guard and finish them off. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Please, let there be enough time!

With him running at top speed, Y/N was hoping he could make it back to the hideout on time. At some point, his body was aching, but he didn't care because he had to get back there and help them.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now