Encounter With a Murder Drone

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After the very awkward moment, Y/N, Uzi, and S/N were now outside in the city, looking around. However, Y/N felt very uneasy as memories started flooding into his head. S/N noticed and turned to him.

S/N: Hey, N/N. You alright? You seem a little off.

Y/N: Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm alright. Just having some terrible memories.

Uzi turned around to look at him.

Uzi: I knew all of this haunted him, but for him to be out to where it all happened. I feel bad for dragging him out here. You know, you guys didn't have to come.

S/N: I know. He wanted to come with you, even if all of this haunted him. Honestly, he's very brave.

Uzi: But, still. He's not doing a good job hiding the way he feels towards all of this.

S/N: I'd help him out, but I don't think I'll be able to do much.

Uzi: I'll see what I can do.

S/N: You will? Thanks, Uzi.

She smiled and patted S/N's head. She then walked over to him and they were walking side-by-side as they both were on their to the evil lair.

Y/N: You alright, Uzi?

Uzi: I should be the one to ask you that. But, yeah. I'm alright. You?

Y/N: Honestly? I'm not sure. The more I look around the place, the more memories keep coming back to me. I can't help but blame myself even more.

Uzi: Look, I can't go on a high note and say that you're gonna be fine. But, what I can say is that you can do something about it. Like, find the Murder Drones and make them pay.

Y/N: You are right about that, but you wanna know something? I did not know they have nanite acid. Honestly, that scares a little. But, then again, I guess this does make things interesting. I mean, it'll be worth a challenge. I was never the type of person to want things easy.

Uzi: Heh. Yeah. Hey, about that kiss.....

Y/N: *blushes* T-That was accidental! I, um, I wasn't thinking! Why do you even wanna talk about it?

Uzi: Just wanted to get you worked up when you encounter a Murder Drone.

Y/N: That was a very low blow, Uzi! Don't you dare scare me like that! I literally thought you were gonna hit me!

S/N: Guys! Cool it. We're here.

Everyone looked up to see the tower of corpses. Y/N felt very uneasy, now.

Uzi: This is when you were trapped, right?

Y/N: Yeah. I never did get to see what was inside. Hopefully, time's on our side and the Murder Drones are out hunting. Let's go get this over with.

The three entered the tower and began looking around for the final part needed for the rail gun. After countless searching, Uzi was able to find a glowing green mechanism.

Uzi: Guys, I found it!

Y/N: Great! Now, let's get out of here before they get back. And before Uncle Khan finds out.

Everyone nodded. However, he spoke too soon as they saw a shadow and gasped.

Y/N: Hide!

They all found a place to hide and when they did, a Murder Drone was seen looking around the place. S/N looked at the Murder Drone and quickly hid again.

S/N: *whispering* Oh my Robo-God! That's what a Murder Drone looks like?!

Y/N: *whispering* Yes, but I don't recognize that one. It's not the other ones.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now