EPILOGUE: Uzi & Y/N In Love

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After the battle, Y/N and the others were congratulated by the Worker Drones, but when it came to Khan, things didn't go well when Uzi saved him the trouble of saying that she was banished. Y/N couldn't help but want to tag along with her since he and S/N were involved with it all. With that, he carried S/N and N carried Uzi and together, they both flew off in the distance and made shelter in a new building. As they were talking to S/N, Uzi sat up and walked outside to get some fresh air. Y/N watched as she and followed her outside. S/N knew exactly what was about to happen.

N: You think their actually gonna.....? You know.

S/N: I sure hope so. Because I totally ship those two.

N: You and me, both.

Meanwhile, while Uzi was looking for a place to relax, Y/N was secretly following her from behind and she sighed.

Uzi: N/N, I know you're there.

Y/N: Heh. I couldn't leave you out here by yourself.

Uzi: Then, why were you discreetly following me?

Y/N: Wanted to mess with you.

Uzi smiled and walked to him.

Uzi: Well, since you and I are together, what is it you wanna do?

Y/N: I was thinking about going somewhere to relax a little and watch the horizon. You can tag along with me if you want to.

Uzi giggled and Y/N grabbed her hand and sat down on top of a car. After a while, the sun was slowly starting to rise and he was mesmerized by the sight of it.

Uzi: First time seeing the sun?

Y/N: Yes. I haven't seen the sun in ever. I forgot about how beautiful it looked.

Uzi: Yeah. It really is beautiful. So, what's going on in your head?

Y/N: Right now? Well, I was focused on getting my revenge against the people who killed my parents, but right now, your the only one I have in mind.

Uzi looked away and smiled.

Y/N: Hey, thanks.

Uzi: Huh? For what?

Y/N: For trusting me and bringing me and my sister along for the ride.

Uzi: Oh. No problem. You didn't have to come with me, you know.

Y/N: I wanted to. You know I want the same thing you do. That's why I tagged along.

Uzi: Is it, really? Tell me something, N/N. Why is it that you really wanted to join me?

Y/N: *sighs* ... I guess I just wanted to experience some action. Just wanted some excitement in my life. My whole life, I was forced to hide behind a bunch of stupid doors and just cower in fear. It's just not my thing. I mean, what's the point in hiding? It's not like this will all be over if we just sit and do nothing. It's stupid.

As he continued rambling on, Uzi held his hand and he stopped to look at her.

Uzi: I get it. I really do.

Y/N: Thanks. I needed this. You know I love you, right, Uzi?

Uzi: *blushes* Y-You do? You mean the kiss? I was just messing around with you. I wasn't taking it seriously.

Y/N: Heh. I liked it, though. Just like as much as I liked you since we first met. Honestly, I did have a crush on you for a while.

Uzi: R-Really?

Y/N: Yes, really.

Uzi: Well, I like you, too, N/N. I mean, I love you. Man, I'm so terrible at this. I mean, I've had a crush on you, too.

Y/N: Relax, Uzi. I can relate to that. To be honest, this is my first time, too. But, I do wanna give that kiss one more time. No interruptions.

Uzi: You're acting very weird, N/N. But, I like it. I'll take the lead.

They both then kissed on the lips and enjoyed each other's embrace, even did a little tongue action as they were. After a while, they both let go and continued to watch the sunset.

N: I'd join you if the sun didn't kill me. But, at least I have your sister to keep me company, N/N. Hope you both are having important character growth or something, though.

S/N: Are you both doing alright? You've been out here for a while.

Uzi: Just can't wait to murder all humans. Classic robot stuff.

Y/N: Yep. Plus, people love the classics. It brings back memories, both good and terrible ones.

Uzi: Hehehehehe. Well, I hope their sitting pretty there on Earth. Because we're coming for them.

She then started to laugh maniacally and Y/N and S/N laughed along with her

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She then started to laugh maniacally and Y/N and S/N laughed along with her. Their laughter was loud enough to the point it echoed across the planet.


MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now