A Very Awkward Moment (Literally)

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S/N: You're what?!

Y/N: I said I was-

S/N: It was a rhetorical question. Why are you heading back outside?

Y/N: Uzi wanted me to go with her. She could use the assistance.

S/N: But, N/N, you haven't been out there since the incident. You even said that you were never going out there.

Y/N: Well, I'm taking back what I said. Look, I've gotten better than I did the last time. Check this out.

His hand then changed into a mini gun, then to three sharp claws, and swords.

Y/N: I can do what the Murder Drones can. I just found out about this last year.

S/N: I can do the same thing. However, I'm not as skilled as you are.

Y/N: Of course you are. You just don't know it, yet. Come on. I haven't forgotten about the promise I made to you.

S/N: ... Are you sure about this?

Y/N: Yes and no. Maybe. I don't know. Just trust me on this, okay?

S/N: ... *sighs* Alright. I'll tag along. When are we leaving?

Y/N: Three in the morning.

S/N: Alright. Let's get some sleep. Love you, big bro.

Y/N: Love you, too.

They both then hugged each other and went to sleep. Hours later, the alarm went off and they both woke up.

Y/N: Game time! Sis, you ready?

S/N: You bet!

With everything ready, Y/N and S/N left their room and went off to join Uzi. When they got to the doors, they both waited for Uzi get here. After a while, Y/N saw her.

Y/N: Sure took your time.

Uzi: Sorry. Had to get the door key from my dad.

S/N: So, that's where it went.

Uzi: You two ready for this?

Y/N and S/N nodded and she got to work opening the door. However, when she got it opened, Khan was seen and they all exclaimed.


Khan: And where might you three be off to?

Uzi: Um, sneaking out to make out with Y/N, who is now officially my new boyfriend. And his little sister is keeping watch while we do our "thing".

Y/N/S/N: Huh?

Khan: *laughs* Seriously, though.

Y/N: *whispers* I got this. *normal* Me, Uzi, and S/N were off to measure the, um...

S/N: The exterior hydraulic mechanisms of door one! Because, uh...

Uzi: Because that's the project that the three of us were working on at school.

Y/N: ... *nods* Yep. That's right! A big old door. Just like you, our most cared and lovable member of the family. Right?

Uzi/S/N: Uh-huh!/Absolutely!

Y/N: We'd like to join the WDF and hide behind doors like cowards while playing cards and stuff.

Both Uzi and S/N nodded.

Khan: Well, we don't just play cards.

The door behind him then opened, revealing his friends.

Worker Drone: Khan, can you grab a fresh pack? We literally only play cards so much that the numbers have faded. Oh, hey, kids.

Y/N: Hello! *whispers* Say hi, ladies!

Uzi/S/N: Hi, guys.

Khan: *closes the door* Well, hehehe, when you build doors so good... *gets to door* Good door. Good door. There's no need to fight. Kids, this is great news! Here. The wrench I used to tighten bolts on my first door prototypes. *intensifies* And to put your mother out of her misery when the Murder Drones got to her with that nanite acid! *normal* I want you three to have it.

He handed the wrench to Uzi while Y/N and S/N were freaked out and shocked.

Uzi: Neat. Therapy's fun. Right, guys?

Y/N and S/N made sounds of agreement and smiled awkwardly.

Khan: Guys, the kids are into doors! *opens door up front* They're gonna be outside for a bit to examine the exterior of door one. Your door specific destinies await. And you, Y/N.

Y/N gulped when he brought him up and turned around.

Khan: You aren't gonna try to sneak out and fight the Murder Drones because they killed your parents, are you?

Y/N: What? No way. They are way out of my league. Plus, I'm not the type of guy to hold grudges. And even if I did, I won't let that take affect of my life. Not that it ever did.

Khan: Good. Now, take good care of Uzi and your little sister and watch out for them, okay?

Y/N: You got it! After all, it is my job as the eldest son of the family. Come on, ladies. Let's go get that door all fixed up. *laughs uneasily*

Uzi: Uh, yeah. Right. We'll be, uh, taking off now. Good luck to us. Go, doors!

Kahn: Ah, they grow up so fast.

When the door closed, they all sighed in relief.

S/N: That was way too close!

Y/N: And very awkward. Your father is super weird to understand, you know that, Uzi?

Uzi: Yeah. He really grows on you.

S/N: Alright, let's just set off to do what we came out here for, so that we can make it back without anyone knowing anything suspicious and call it a day.

Y/N and Uzi nodded and the three of them took off into the distance of the city.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now