Death in the Family Part 2: The Truth

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Meanwhile, S/N was going on with her normal day after Y/N left the facility. As she was walking around, she was stopped by something and looked up to see Khan with his arms crossed.

S/N: Oh. Um, hi, Uncle Khan.

Khan: The boss wants to see you. Now.

S/N knew right then she was screwed. After a while, S/N was in F/N's office and he had his back turned to her.

S/N: Dad, I-

F/N: He told you, didn't he?

S/N: A-About what?

F/N: About this thing that he was planning.

S/N: Thing? What thing?

F/N: You know what it is. *turns around to face S/N* That's why I called you.

S/N knew what he was talking about, so she secretly tried to call Y/N. Meanwhile, he was seen still outside in the city, looking around. As he was, his visor suddenly started getting a call from S/N and answered it. Meanwhile, on S/N's side...

F/N: I didn't fail to see that he was up to something. And I also realized that he told you about it.

S/N: Um.....

F/N: What did he tell you? What is this plan he's come up with?

S/N: Dad, please. If I told you, you would get after him and lock him up in the facility.

F/N: What? Why would he think that?

S/N: Because this plan of his involves killing the Murder Drones. He knows how to stop them.

F/N: Really? Was there anyone else involved?

S/N: Only me. He didn't want to tell anyone.

F/N: I see. Where is your brother?

S/N stuttered and tried to come up with a lie, but unfortunately, F/N found out.

F/N: *gasps softly* He got out, didn't he?

S/N: Okay, yes! He was running out of spare parts, so he had to go outside and find some more! And I helped him get out! Please, I wouldn't do it if his cause wasn't right. Please! That's all I know!

F/N: Calm down. If he seriously had that plan, he could've come to us.

S/N: H-H-He was worried that if you or Mom found out about it, you would punish him. Plus, he didn't want to put anyone in danger if he did tell.

M/N: Where is he now? Is he safe?

S/N: Yes. He should be. We still have enough time to help him.

F/N: Khan, keep S/N and Uzi safe. Your in charge until we get back.

Khan: And if you don't?

F/N: Then, I leave everything to you.

Khan: I will do what I can.

F/N nodded and looked at M/N.

F/N: Alright, honey. It's go time.

M/N nodded and they both went to the exit. When they got outside, they opened up their wings and flew off to find Y/N.

S/N: Alright, brother. They're on your way.

Y/N: *over phone* Gotcha. And hey, thanks for not bringing Uzi into this.

S/N: No problem. Just be careful and don't get caught by the Murder Drones and we'll call it even.

Y/N: *over phone* Will do. See you.

On Y/N's side, he hung up and continued to make his way to the tower of corpses. After he arrived at the pillar, he looked at it.

Y/N: Wow. So much taller in person. Okay, I've looked everywhere for parts and...

He then opened up his bag looked at the parts he's collected.

Y/N: ... This is all the parts I can find. So, that means there's more in the pillar. Okay. Here we go.

However, before he could get there...

???: Well, well, well. Turns out there were more Workers alive.

Y/N frozen in place and he wanted to be wrong on who it was he heard. However, he heard something land on the ground when he slowly turned around...

 However, he heard something land on the ground when he slowly turned around

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???: Hehehehehe. As if my day hasn't gotten any better.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now