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After school, Y/N was able to find Uzi and followed her to her room to get to work on the top secret project. This went on for weeks, but the progression was faster and it was close to being done. However, Y/N and Uzi were running low on some parts. Of course, they had to sneak around the hideout and grab a few more. After a few days, Y/N was seen in his room, thinking over a few things. With the weapon that can destroy the Murder Drones almost finished, he was close to finally winning the peace he's always wanted. However, he feels like there was more to it than that. As Y/N was thinking, he heard knocking at his door. He walked to it and opened it and Uzi was there.

Y/N: Uzi? What are you doing here?

Uzi: Stopped by to see you. Why do you ask?

Y/N: Sorry. You hardly visit my room. And how did you know where I was?

Uzi: Dude, our rooms are five feet away from each other.

Y/N: Oh. Right. I forgot. Come in.

Uzi walked in and you closed the door. You both then sat next to each other.

Y/N: So, what made you wanna visit me?

Uzi: I just came by to say a few things. And I never thought I'd be saying this. That and I have a few questions to ask. First off, what made you wanna help me with the weapon?

Y/N: Well, I guess I was just tired of hiding behind walls. I mean, what's the point in hiding away if those things are out there, causing harm to innocent people? We can't keep doing this forever. And you, Uzi? You gave me the inspiration I needed. This weapon we're building is the only thing that we need to end this nightmare.

Uzi: Wow. I knew you wanted the same thing I did, but I never thought you cared so much. It's flattering, knowing that someone wants what I want.

Y/N: Look, I'm not in it for the fame and the glory. I just wanna end this.

Uzi: Well, at least we agree on something.

Y/N: Yeah.

Uzi: Listen, I want to say that I'm sorry. For leaving you in the dark. That and for not talking to you more. I guess this obsession with finishing the gun has gotten the better of me.

Y/N: Hey, I can relate to that. I was so obsessed with wanting to get out there and face those things I haven't really gotten a chance to have a conversation with you. I mean, I've barely known anything about you.

Uzi: Yeah. Well, I guess you can say that I'm angsty.

Y/N: Really? We aren't even in our teenage years.

Uzi: What's wrong with that?

Y/N: Nothing! I didn't mean to make it sound like it was a problem.

Uzi: *chuckles* Your funny. Anyway, I just wanna say thank you. For your help and understanding.

Y/N: And thank you for trusting me. That sounded very weird.

Uzi: Yeah. Hey, I have a few parts left for other things, but I didn't know what to do with them.

Y/N: You "didn't" know?

Uzi: If it's cool with you, I'd like to make a few modifications to your body. Make it so that you can somehow rival the Murder Drones, but make you better than them. You said that your parents are like them, right? And your their son?

Y/N: Wait, are you being serious right now?

Uzi: Of course I am. Come on. I can't be the only one who can go up against them. You did help me out.

Y/N: Well, I guess I did. So, does this make us friends?

Uzi: I'm not sure. I've never really had a real friend. I guess you can be my first one.

Y/N: Sweet. You and me, we're about to make history.

He held his fist out and Uzi fist bumped his.

Uzi: To a bright new future.

Y/N and Uzi laughed and went on to completing the project. However, the next few days is when things take a dark turn.

 However, the next few days is when things take a dark turn

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MURDER DR💀NES(Episode 1: PILOT)(Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S

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(Episode 1: PILOT)
(Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now