Final Showdown

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Meanwhile, on the other side of the doors, V and J were killing all the drones.

Kahn: So, they found our evacuation spot, but if we build a quick door-

Thad: *stands up* Are you kidding me? You're the WDF, right? Defend!

Kahn an the others backed down again.

Thad: For real?

He was then grabbed by V and before he was done for...

???: Hey!

Everyone turned around to see Uzi and N.

Uzi: Put that conventionally attractive male down.

She then elbowed N and he stuttered.

N: Oh. Uh, J, you're sometimes kind of mean to me and I wish you weren't. Just some constructive criticism.

Uzi: Nice. Oh, and by the way, girls. I have two drones I'd like you to meet. You remember them, right? You took their parents from them. And they are here for payback. Say hello to my new boyfriend and his little sister, Y/N L/N and S/N L/N.

Y/N and S/N then walked out from behind the walls and glared at them.

J: *growls* Noted, traitor. We'll circle back after I rightsize your existence.

Y/N: We'll see about that.

Y/N and S/N swapped their hands into mini guns on their right hands and a blade to their left hands.

Uzi: Okay, it's four on two. Which one do you guys want?

N: J, please?

Uzi: Too bad. Good luck. Hey, S/N. Care to help me out?

S/N: You and me, rocking in girl power? Heh. You bet.

N: Oh, boy.

Y/N walked over to N and patted him on the shoulder.

Y/N: Don't worry, N. I've got your back.

N: Thanks, N/N.

S/N and Uzi ran the other direction to J after Uzi launched a pen at her, leaving N and Y/N to V.

Y/N: You ready, N?

N: Do I really have a choice?

V swapped her hands out with swords and charged at the two. Meanwhile, as S/N and Uzi got in position, J brought out her gun and fired at the two. S/N was able to dodge them, but Uzi lost balance and she was able to catch her. J pulled the pen out and glared at them as she growled.

J: Damn the well-made quality assured durability of JC Jenson products! *turns to S/N* You... You're just as stubborn as your parents.

S/N: Well, that is how me and Y/N have been able to survive for so long. It's our way of being us. Now!

She knelt down and Uzi jumped off her back to stab the pen through J's eye and landed back on the ground and caught her gun. S/N went next to her and bumped fists with her. S/N then gasped and pulled Uzi back from an attack. Meanwhile, N was backed into a corner and Y/N crashed into a wall as he was knocked back. When V brought out her gun, N tried to shoot her, but hearts shot out.

N: Ah, my mind's in a weird place! Don't read into this!

When V launched herself at N to kill him, a pair of wings suddenly stopped her in her path. An acidic tail was then launched at her, but she was able to dodge it. When the wings pulled back, Y/N were seen with your new wings and tail.

N: N/N? You're...

Y/N: Sit tight, N. I'll take care of her.

His hands then turned to blades and he walked to V as his visor turned into a giant X.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now