Death in the Family Part 1: First Steps

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With Y/N and Uzi now friends, the both of them went back to work on the project that was close to being done. However, they were still missing some parts. After searching the facility, nothing. However, a few days later, he had an idea. But, he felt like he needed to share it with someone. So...

Y/N: Hey, sis. You have a moment?

S/N turned to him and got a confused look on her face. After a while...

S/N: Are you crazy?!

Y/N: What?

S/N: You've been working with Uzi on a top secret project and your doing it behind everyone's back? And why did you tell me everything?

Y/N: Because I feel like I can trust you. Your good at keeping secrets, right?

S/N: Yes, but what if our parents find out about this? What if Uncle Khan finds out? We could all get in trouble. You, me, and Uzi.

Y/N: Which is why we have to keep it a secret. Look, I'm tired of hiding away while those things are out there. What's the point in hiding? It's not right. Please, sis. Your the only one who understands this. You want the same thing, right?

S/N: Of course I do. But, to have to lie to our parents.....

Y/N: I hate lying to them, too. Trust me. But, if they were to find out about this, then we'll just keep hiding away. I can't keep living like this. I just can't. I don't want my sister to live in this kind of life. Please.

S/N: *sighs* Alright. I'll try to keep this one a secret. Just for you, okay? If you really think your doing the right thing, then I guess I'll support you the best I can.

Y/N: Hey, how about I make you a deal? The next time I go outside, you wanna tag along? We could use your smart brain, expertise, and agility to help win this war.

He then patted S/N's forehead and she giggled.

S/N: Promise you'll keep me safe?

Y/N: I promise.

S/N then hugged him and Y/N hugged her back.

Y/N: But, to get outside, we're going to need the key to the doors.

S/N: I know where it is. Leave it to me.

When nightfall came in, S/N was able to get the key card and met up with Y/N at the doors to the outside.

Y/N: *whispering* You got it?

S/N: *whispering* Yeah. I got it. Are you ready?

Y/N: *whispering* I got everything I need to protect myself. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I promise. I'll make it back before Mom and Dad know that I'm gone. Assuming you can keep it a secret?

S/N: *whispering* I will. But, what do I tell Uzi?

Y/N: *whispering* Tell her that I was willing to trust you with our project. But, don't tell her I'm out.

S/N: *whispering* Okay. Just be careful. This is a huge offensive to everyone. Our parents will flip if they find out.

Y/N: *whispering* I know. Don't worry. I'll be in and out. Or out and in. Plus, I've been training my whole life for this.

S/N: *whispering* Okay. Love you.

Y/N: *whispering* Love you, too.

They both then hugged each other and after a while, S/N opened the doors and watched as he walked outside. She then closed the doors and went on with her business as if nothing happened. Meanwhile, he was now outside and looked around.

Y/N: Wow. So, this is what it's like outside. Pretty neat. For a geostorm. Focus, Y/N. Your not here for sightseeing. The Murder Drones are out here, so be careful and remember your training. Also, be very careful when it comes to hiding and pray they aren't around here. Okay. Here we go.

With everything set to motion, he took off into the city to find the parts for the project. And the first and only place for him to start was...

 And the first and only place for him to start was

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MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now