PROLOGUE Part 3: Advice

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After meeting Uzi, Y/N couldn't seem to get her out of his head. And this went on for a few days. Finally, he had to tell someone about it and went to his parents. After reaching his dad's office, he knocked on the door.

Y/N: Dad, you in there?

F/N: Yeah. What's up?

Y/N: *opens door* Are you free to talk? I need to talk to you about something.

F/N: Yeah, sure. I have time. Come in.

Y/N closed the door after entering the room and sat in a chair.

F/N: So, what's going on in your head?

Y/N: Okay. A few days ago, I've just met Uncle Khan's daughter.

F/N: Really? What's she like?

Y/N: I don't know. I haven't been able to hang out with her much. But, her name is Uzi.

F/N: Hmm. I see. So, what is it about her?

Y/N: We've barely met each other, yet the way I felt towards her when we made eye contact, it was indescribable. I can't explain it.

F/N: So, what your trying to tell me is that you like her?

Y/N: I don't know. I keep thinking about her every day and yet, I haven't seen her in a while. I can't stop thinking about her. It's making me crazy. What's going on with me?

F/N: It's obvious. You like her.

Y/N: *blushes* W-What are you talking about? I barely met her.

F/N: This is exactly how I felt towards your mother. When we first met, it was as if our paths have somehow collided. I don't know much about Uzi, but I believe your path and her's somehow collided.

Y/N: Okay. But, what about Uncle Khan? If he finds out that I like his daughter, then he's gonna be after me.

F/N: Hey, I've known him since the humans were alive. He's not like that. Don't worry, I'll be sure he understands.

Y/N: Okay. One more thing. How did you and Khan meet?

F/N: That's, uh, a funny story. Huh? *looks at mobile phone* Hey, I gotta go. They need my help.

Y/N: Okay. Thank you for the advice.

F/N: Anytime.

He then got up, walked to Y/N, knelt down, and hugged him and he hugged back. They both then left the office and Y/N walked away to think about a few things. As Y/N was thinking, something was shining in his eyes and he began to feel irritated. Y/N looked at the source of it and noticed a spare part. He walked over to it and picked it up.

Y/N: Wait. Oh, bite me. Uzi!

He then stood up and ran off to find Uzi. However, he wasn't having any luck finding her after he looked over the whole facility. He even tried calling out to her, but nothing.

Y/N: *groans and growls* Come on. Where the hell is she? Uzi!!

When he was looking around, he noticed the doors that lead to the outside world and he began to grow a sneaking suspicion that she was outside. However, before he could get to the doors...

???: What are you doing?

Y/N jumped and exclaimed and turned around to see Uzi.

Y/N: Have you lost your mind?! Where the hell were you?

Uzi: *sarcasm* Wow, Dad. It's getting old for you to be worrying over me.

Y/N: *sighs* I'm sorry. You just scared me.

Uzi: Why were you calling me?

Y/N: You forgot a piece. A piece to your "top-secret project".

Uzi: Oh. That's what I was missing. Thanks.

Y/N: Would you please tell me what your working on? I hate being left in the dark.

Uzi: Why would I reveal my secret to a completely random guy I don't fully trust, yet? You gotta earn my trust before I'm finished.

Y/N: Okay, so what do I need to do?

Uzi: *groans* Why are you bothering me about this? You won't even appreciate the idea.

Y/N: You won't know if you won't tell me, so come on. Please?

Uzi: ... *sighs* Alright. You really wanna know? Okay. But first, I wanna be able to see if I can trust you enough. Tell me something. Do you want to destroy the Murder Drones?

Y/N: Yes. Of course I do. I think about that literally every day. But, my parents won't let me, even if I'm ready.

Uzi: Hmm. I can relate to that with my dad. At least that's something that you and I can relate on. I mean, we can't keep living our lives, hiding away forever. We have to make a stand.

Y/N: You are absolutely right. Listen, my mom and dad have the same abilities as those Murder Drones. Pretty soon, me and my sister will get ours.

Uzi: That's a possibility?

Y/N: My mom and dad were able to do it. Look, I wanna help out.

Uzi: *groans* Alright. I'll tell you since you and I want the same thing. I'm building a weapon.

Y/N: Wait, like what kind of weapon?

Uzi: A sick as Hell railgun! Powerful enough to destroy a Murder Drone. There. I said it.

Y/N: No way. That's awesome!

Uzi: Wait, you really think so?

Y/N: Yeah, of course I'm serious. But, is that even a possibility?

Uzi: With the right help and tools, yeah. It's possible.

Y/N: Cool. Can I help you out? I promise not to tell a single person.

Uzi: You promise?

Y/N: I promise.

Uzi: ... Alright. I'll let you tag along.

Y/N: Really?!

Uzi: Yes. But, don't make me regret it.

Y/N: You won't. I promise.

Uzi then flicked a piece of paper over to him and he caught it.

Uzi: You can find me there. I have a workshop. Starting tomorrow, after school, meet me there.

Y/N: You got it.

Uzi nodded and walked away. Y/N looked at the paper and it had her room number on it. From then on, he started working behind the scenes.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now