PROLOGUE Part 2: Love at First Sight

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The next day, Y/N was seen at his locker, picking up a few items for his next class. After getting some stuff and locking up his locker, Y/N took off with his sister to his classes. After hours, he was seen walking with his sister back to his quarters.

Y/N: *sighs*

S/N: You alright?

Y/N: Yeah. It's just that every day is the same thing. Grab your stuff, go to class, focus on work, study, yada yada yada. Original school stuff. It's boring.

S/N: I can see how that's a problem.

Y/N: I mean, what's the point of all this if we're living in a hostile planet? That was a rhetorical question. Don't answer that.

S/N: Right. So, what do you think we should do?

Y/N: *sighs* What's the point in doing anything after school took most of our day away?

S/N: Well, we can still do something. Anything we want.

Y/N: Right. Well, I think I might need a moment to think over a few things. What about you?

S/N: I'm thinking about listening to some music. And giving you some company.

Y/N: *chuckles* Thanks.

They then suddenly heard something fell to the floor behind them and they turned around to see some parts scattered. They then heard a female groaning.

???: No, no, no! Damnit.

Y/N looked to see a female Worker Drone with purple hair kneeling on the ground and picking up the parts.

Y/N: Ma'am, are you alright?

???: Yeah. Just gathering up some lost parts.

Y/N: Do you need any help with that?

???: No! I got it. Thank you.

However, she wasn't having any luck finding all of the parts and sighed.

???: Yes, I could use some help. Please?

Y/N nodded and and told his sister to go find the scattered parts. After a while, they were able to collect them all and hand them over to the young girl.

Y/N: This everything?

???: Yeah. Thanks.

When they touched each other's hand, a blue spark was seen lighting up at their fingertips and they both gasped softly. When she lifted up her head, her face was seen as she had purple eyes. He gasped as he was looking at her and she did the same to him and they both blushed. After a while, they both shook their heads and S/N giggled as she walked up to them.

???: *blushes* Uh, thank you for your help.

Y/N: *blushes* N-No problem. Um, if I may, what are you making with those parts?

???: It's a top secret project that I'm working on and I don't want anyone knowing about it, yet! So, bite me!

She was about to walk away, but Y/N called out to her.

Y/N: Wait, what's your name?

Y/N: Wait, what's your name?

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Uzi: My name's Uzi.

Y/N: Well, I'm Y/N L/N.

She stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at Y/N.

Uzi: Wait, L/N? Like F/N and M/N L/N?

Y/N: Y-Yes. And this is my little sister S/N.

S/N: Hello.

Uzi walked back over to them.

Uzi: My father knows you. He always spoke highly of you and your family.

Y/N: Really? Well, the only one who does that is Khan. Wait, he's not your father, is he?

Uzi: Uh, yes. Yes, I am.

Y/N: Wow! Khan's daughter right in front of us in the parts! Honestly, we knew he had a daughter, but I didn't think it was you. Well, your eyes do have the same look as him.

Uzi: Heh. Right. Anyway, I'm gonna head back to my room. Once I'm all finished with my project, I'll fill you in. But, you are to not tell my father or your parents when the time comes, understand?

Y/N: You got it.

Uzi: Good. See you soon, I guess.

Y/N: Wait, are we gonna see each other again?

Uzi: Hmm. I'll think about it. But for now, how about maybe?

Y/N: Sure. It was nice meeting you, Uzi!

Uzi: You, too.

With that, she walked away and Y/N watched as she did and blushed. S/N nudged his elbow and smiled at him.

Y/N: No, sister. I know what your gonna say.

S/N: Come on, bro. I saw how you two were looking at each other.

Y/N: Hey, we barely met each other.

S/N: Really? I saw that spark between your fingers. Well, at least she wants to see you again. Maybe.

Y/N: Yeah. Maybe. Anyway, let's get back to our quarters and get ready for tomorrow.

S/N: You bet.

Y/N and S/N both then walked away and went to their bedroom, but Y/N continued to think about Uzi and smiled and blushed.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now