Betrayal (S/N's Side)

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Meanwhile, with S/N and Uzi, they were trying to make it inside the colony, but behind them was...

Meanwhile, with S/N and Uzi, they were trying to make it inside the colony, but behind them was

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Inside, the four Worker Drones continued to play with their cards.

Drone #1: Haha! I am out, boys.

Everyone complained, but it was interrupted when the door opened and S/N and Uzi ran in.

Uzi: S/N, get the door controls!

S/N nodded and tried to close the door, but unfortunately, it was stopped by a metallic claws and another came in as the doors started to open by N.

N: Hey, fellas. Ooh, deal me in, I love Rummy. Wait, no, I'm going to murder everyone, raincheck.

S/N: N?

N: Sorry, S/N, but I'm doing what needs to be done. I hope you can forgive me.

He extended his nanite tail and destroyed the door controls, opening all of them.

S/N: N, no...

She felt heartbroken when N began his killing spree, but Uzi grabbed her arm and they bolted into the colony, but all of the Worker Drones there were being destroyed by N. S/N turned around, but N wasn't there and she noticed him in the vents.

S/N: Uzi, heads up! He's in the vents!

Uzi: Good! Because this railgun is done charging!

She stopped and pointed her gun and started to look around. S/N hesitated to join in because she cared about N, but she mustered up the courage and swapped her right hand with a mini gun. They then turned around to see Kahn.

Kahn: Pretty nice hydraulics. ... Uzi... What have you two done? And where's N/N?

S/N: Uncle Kahn, don't come closer! The Murder Drone is in the-

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S/N: Uncle Kahn, don't come closer! The Murder Drone is in the-

Suddenly, N appeared from the vents and caused everyone to fall to the ground except for Uzi as she grabbed her railgun and stood her ground.

Uzi: This time, I won't miss.

S/N: *gets up* Uzi, no!

N: *chuckles* I'm sorry. I really enjoyed our time together. Mostly you, S/N.

MURDER DR💀NES (Y/N x Uzi & S/N x S.D. N)Where stories live. Discover now