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(Ignore my mistakes)


Shehnaaz's POV..

Days passed by in agony for me... With each passing day, I managed to fall deeper into the darkness...

It had been extremely hard for me to get up again but I managed... I'm not at my best and I'm still standing where he left me... In my mind, I diluted myself that he is here with me and that's what kept me going till now...

I wear the necklace he gifted me so that I can feel him close...I'm not taking the parting well but I I can't do anything else... I'm drowning in my own sorrows...

I wasn't necessarily close to anyone from the hospital but I used to at least make small conversations but after he left I altogether stopped talking and everyone noticed... They didn't question me but they did try to cheer me up whenever they can but it didn't work...

Even Dr Elijah noticed the change in me... He too didn't say anything but he made a comment "prove them all", which I find weird... He had that look in his eyes like he knows something that I don't..

My exams are fast approaching and I'm afraid that I'll fail in the exam...
I sighed getting up from the bench outside the hospital when I got a call from Dr Elijah... There is an emergency and I have to report immediately...

I rushed inside to see what happened and I was shocked when I saw Nick in the emergency room with his body covered in blood... He was grasping the hand of his mother who is lying on the emergency bed...

"What happened?", I asked to Dr Elijah..

"The family got into the accident... Father died on the stop and Nick is refusing to let us treat him", he whispered...

"Mother?", I asked referring if she is alive or died... He shook his head no...

I rushed to Nick. My heart getting out to him. "Nick", I whispered softly to him. He looked up before lunging himself on me. I hugged him back almost immediately...

I nodded towards the nurse to check up on his wounds... The blood on him wasn't his, it was his mothers...

Thankfully he didn't get any serious injury, just a few scratches here and there...

I can't leave him here alone so with the permission of Dr Elijah I brought him home with me... But first I stopped at the children's clothing store to buy some clothes for him...

I would have gone to his house to fetch some clothes for him but I can't go with him because I know it will be traumatic for him to be at a place which will remind him of his parents..

I bought him some PJs, a shirt, shorts, jeans, underwear, shoes, and a daily necessity... Tomorrow I'll bring his clothes from his house...

"Go change into comfortable clothes and I'll cook dinner", he nodded and I told him the direction to the bathroom... That was the longest sentence I have said in the last one month...

I took the ingredients out to make pasta... I was making plates for both of us when he came out... We didn't talk much but the silence was comfortable...

I gave him the guest room and before going to sleep I put his thing in his new room...

The next morning I woke up with Nick snuggling with him... He must be feeling alone... I can't leave him alone so I took him with me to the hospital...

"Ms Gill", Dr elijah called me just as we stepped inside the hospital...

"yes prof elijah?", he indicated for me to follow him. Nick followed me as he doesn't want to be alone and Dr elijah agreed so I took him with me...

"Take a seat", we sat down quickly...

"I just wanted to tell that Nick will be living in the foster care as he doesn't have any other relatives" I looked at Nick who was looking down with a sad expression...

"When are they going to take him?", I asked Dr elijah...

"Tomorrow", I nodded and as we don't have anything more to discuss, he dismissed him...

The whole day Nick followed me like a lost puppy and I feel quite bad for him...

During lunch, I told Nick that I'll go to his house to pack his clothes to which he replied that he wants to go too... I asked him if he will be alright and he nodded yes and said: "I want to say goodbye". That made me tear up but I quickly collected myself...

I packed all of his stuff while he collected the pictures of him and his parents... He doesn't want to leave them there and I agree with him...

He was staring at his parent's photo when I went to tell him that I have finished packing...

"I don't want to go", he said referring to the foster home.. I went to him and kneeled down...

"You don't have to go if you don't want to", I said taking his hands in mine...

"You know I have to... I don't have any other family", I have lived in foster care during my whole childhood and I know how lonely it feels even when there are other children... I don't want that to him...

"Do you trust me?", he nodded...

"Do you want to live with me?", he nodded again...

"Let's go then", he took my hands in his and we left his house...

I cooked dinner for us and he took the bath during that time. He was not a picky eater and for that I'm thankful...

After dinner, we went to his room to arrange all of his items. I called Dr elijah and put it on speaker while I separate his clothes...

He picked up after three rings. "hello", his voice rang through the speaker...

"Hello Dr Elijah, this is shehnaaz", my voice was timid... I don't know if he will help me or not...

"Ah yes, Ms shehnaaz... What can I do for you?", he sounded happy to hear from me which I found weird...

"I need a little help, Dr elijah", Nick looked at me questionably and I just smiled at him reassuringly...

"What do you need? I can try if it's under my control", a little bit of the tension vanished from my body...

"I want to adopt Nick and I was thinking if you could help with the paperwork", Nick looked at me shocked and then smiled at me...

"Are you sure you can take care of him? This is a huge responsibility Ms shehnaaz and I want you to be sure about this", he asked me but there was hope in his voice which I dismissed...

"Yes Dr. Elijah I'm sure", I said confidently...

"Very well I'll take care of the paperwork. You just have to sign", he sounded really excited about it and without any word, he cut the call... I looked at the phone weirdly...

He seems to be interested in my business a lot... Ever since Sidharth has left
Dr. Elijah seems to be extra attentive to me... He even provided me with notes for the coming exam...

He told me that he knows I'm not paying attention to the class so he prepared notes for me which I found weird but he has helped me so I should be thankful and stop thinking bullshit...

But still I miss sidharth most
Our love
Our kisses
Our huges
Our cute fight
Our everything...



That's it for today ❤🥰

No more today...thank you...



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