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(Ignore my mistakes)


Shehnaaz's POV...

"Nick", I screamed, horrified as he didn't stop after one punch... No, he repeatedly punched him but it baffled me that sidharth didn't retaliate.

I rushed towards them and separated Nick from Sidharth... "Stop it Nick", I told him in a stern voice.

"He deserves it", Nick murmured but looked down when I glared at him...

"You're grounded for two weeks,
mister", I can see a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth and I narrowed my eyes at him... My threat didn't work on him as he doesn't go out after coming home from school...

"I'm locking the game room and you're forbidden to enter the room for two weeks", now it was my turn smirk as his smile fell and horror took over his features...

"But mom...", he whined like a toddler and I raised my hands, efficiently cutting him off...

"Don't mom me Nick... If you want me to decrease your punishment you'll be a good boy and go to my office without any argument", from my eyes I dared for him to disobey me and I'll increase his punishment...

He pouted but complied obediently, not before he sent a glare at Sidharth... I raised my brow at him, amused that he is literally killing Sidharth with his glare...

Once he was out of sight, I turned to Mrs Shukla, "only one family member can stay here with the patient and sorry". With that, I took my leave but as I passed Sidharth he caught my hands and I stiffened at his touch...

I turned towards him but keep my eyes on his chest... I haven't looked into his eyes since I stepped out of and I want to keep it that way...

"I want to talk", he said softly, his voice opposite from that day...

"There's nothing to talk about Mr Shukla", I said to him coldly and snatched my hand back... From the corner of my eyes, I saw hurt crossing his features... Good, I thought... He had hurt me so much and he deserves to be hurt by me...

Not even giving a second glance towards him, I took off towards my office...

Nick was pacing around as I entered my office... He sighed when he saw me enter...

"Did he hurt you?", he asked me... I smiled and shook my hands.

"Good or else I'll have to beat the fucking shit out of him", to prove his point he punched the air...

"Where did you learn that vulgar language?", I glared at him for the hundredth times today...

"Shit", he cursed under his breath and I pinched his ears...

"You'll not use such foul language in front of me... Understood?", he nodded vigorously...

"Ouch, that hurt mom... Yes, I understand", he said in a pained voice...
I let his ears go and caressed the skin there to soothe the pain... He smiled at me softly as he knows I can't see him in pain...

"I love you mom", he said as he hugged me... He melts me every time he says that...

"I love you more kiddo”, I hugged him tightly... I felt him kiss my forehead and murmured, " I'll always protect you".

I smiled as I replied with, "I will protect you".

We pulled back from our hug and left the hospital, chatting about everything that happened today in our lives...

Life seems almost perfect as we shared our stories and cook together, eat together, washed our dishes and watched tv...


I parked outside our home. what do you want to eat?", I asked as we entered the living room.

"Pizza", he replied.

"Pizza is it then", I said as I made my way towards the kitchen to drink water... My throat feels like the land which has not met with rain in years...

"Should we order or make at home?", I asked as I gulped the second glass of water...

"order", Nick screamed from the living room as he searched for something good on tv to watch...

"Okay", I yelled back and called for pizza delivery before sitting beside him on the sofa.

"How was your day?", I asked as I watched tv.

"It was the same as always... There was a girl who tried to seduce me... She thought she's looking sexy but in reality, she was looking like a hyena wearing a dress", he shuddered and I laughed a full belly laugh...

"What did you did? You got seduced by a hyena?", I teased him...

"Hell no. I rejected her directly", he shrugged...

"God you're so terrible", I laughed again but my laughter died down as I saw fuming Mark coming my way.

"Shehnaaz Gill I'm going to kill you", he screamed as he stalked towards me...

"Shit", I cursed when I remembered I had to attend the party with him as his date... I smiled the sweetest smile and apologized...

"Sorry there was an emergency and I have to do the surgery then I met Sidharth and everything just slipped out of my mind", I told him...

"You sho... Wait... What? Did you meet Sidharth? As in your douche of an ex-boyfriend?", funny that's how I called him the same name this morning...

"Yes and I punched him too", Nick added smugly...

"I missed the opportunity", Mark said as he really looked disappointed that he didn't get to punch Sidharth...

I glared at them both and they looked away from me... Just then the bell rang saving them both from my rant...

They both ran to the door to take the pizza... I swear they both act like a child sometimes...

They brought the pizza in and didn't waste a second before devouring them... I laughed at them before helping them in devouring pizza...


That's it for today ❤🥰

Will regularly update,...✌️😇



Comments,😇✌️bhout sara karna

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