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(Ignore my mistakes)


Shehnaaz's POV

"Let's go home now", I put my hands on his shoulders...bringing him in a side hug... Today was his parent's funeral...
I had to prepare everything as there was no one else who could do that...

It was sad that they died so suddenly... They were two lovely people with a good heart... It must be difficult for Nick to cop up with their death but he is surprisingly taking it well...

Nick nodded and we left the cemetery together.. I parked the car outside of hospital..

"Are you ready?", I asked Nick and he nodded his head vigorously... After taking a deep breath I signed the papers... Dr Elijah smiled at us softly which I returned...

We get home after thirty minutes. "Let's arrange your room", I said Nick as we entered the living room...

We went to his room and started arranging all of his stuff... There are some things that need to be purchase... Today I don't have any class and it's still noon so I decided we should go grocery shopping...

"Come on be quick", Nick waited impatiently for me near the door... I
chuckled at him and to annoy him I took my time in getting ready...

He glared at me when I was finally ready which I find rather amusing...

"don't glare at me kiddo", I ruffled his hair and he groaned...

"I'm not kiddo. I'm a grown-up man", to make his point he puffed his chest out like those fighters... I laughed so hard that it brought tears to my eyes...

"Let's go or else we'll never get out of here", I teased him, still laughing...

In less than ten minutes we reached the store. I put all the things we will need in a cart... Nick trailed behind me, occasionally pointing out to the items we will need.... Thanks to him we cover all the items that we will need...

I paid for the items and we left the store... With the help of Nick, I stored each item in their place... I was shocked when Nick assisted me in cooking... And I kid you not the boy does know what he is doing...

My eyes got as big as saucers when I tasted his food... I asked him where he learn that and he replied that his mother used to teach him... how to cook so he won't have to be dependent on others if something happens to her...

It started to get rather emotional so I changed the topic and asked him if he wants to watch a movie to which he immediately agreed...

I put on the movie Avengers and was relieved when he bounced excitedly...
I didn't know what he likes and the first action movie that comes to my mind was Avengers...

Nick was so excited that whenever the fight scene comes he'll bounce up and would imitate the actors, kicking his feet in the air... I laughed at his childish behaviour... He is so innocent that I want to protect him from this cruel world and I will....

The moment I signed on the paper I accepted him as my own son in my heart and one day he'll know that...

After the movie ended we decided to eat again as we both were hungry... I started making some sandwiches as they're easy to make and they're time-saving...

"can I ask you something?", Nick asked hesitantly and I nodded yes without looking up...

"You can ask me anything", he was silent for a minute as if he was contemplating whether to ask me or not...

Finally, after a few seconds, he asked, " where is Doctor Sidharth? I didn't see him at the hospital and here".

My hands froze mid-air... The memory of that night played like a 3D movie in front of my eyes... Ever since Nick moved in with me I have been busy with him and didn't have time to think about him or we can say trying to forgot him... Which impossible..

"He left", my voice was quiet and I tried to blink away the tears forming inside my eyes... I heard the scraping of the chair against the floor then felt two small hands circling around my waist...

"Everything will be okay", he soothed and the tears I was trying to keep at bay escaped from my eyes, falling freely down my cheeks...

Everything will not be okay, I thought... He is imprinted in my soul and he'll live inside me till the day I die... I won't be able to forget me and I'm damn sure I'll never be able to love again...

Sidharth made sure to break me completely so that I'll never be able to heal... The wounds he gave me will always bleed and it'll always hurt like a bitch... The wounds will forever be embedded in my heart...


That's it for today ❤🥰

Will regularly update,...✌️😇



Comments,😇✌️bhout sara karna

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