𝒐. 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆

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THREE OUT OF SEVEN REMAINED. After the tragic deaths of Thomas Quinn, John Booker Routledge, Sarah Cameron and, finally, Tatum Quinn, the remaining three pouges weren't sure if they could move on. Especially with the whole town believing their murders were justice. That their friends deserved to die in the brutal ways they did. Thomas - shot to death by his older brother, who was ordered by their father. John B and Sarah - who had the oxygen slowly taken out of their lungs in a shocking shipwreck. And Tatum - dragged a knife across her own throat because she couldn't handle it all anymore.

So, Pope Heyward, JJ Maybank and Kiara Carrera gathered together outside of the château, a lighter, an iron brand, Thomas' box of ashes, and a few more items to remember their loved ones by, in their hands.

That awful night, they waited at the Heyward house. For hours, they waited for Tatum to return home, to wrap her arms around them all and bring them the light and the warmth she usually did. To tell her that she was going to be okay - that they would help her. Always. But after hours of waiting, JJ, who was basically part of the crazy family, decided to go over to the Quinn house himself. It wasn't often he went there; they normally went to his Dad's place; but he went for Tatum. He would've walked into hell for that girl. His sister. The only person that had stood by him since they were six years old.

But instead all he found was four empty room, blood everywhere. The next day, there was a funeral. Her family had the audacity to throw a funeral for the girl they ruined. The sweet, lovely girl, who would never harm anyone, they turned into a ruthless killer. She killed herself that night. Slit her own throat. And only JJ was invited.

Her three friends blamed themselves. If they hadn't left her, if they'd been there - she'd still be with them. Nobody felt more guilty over it than her girlfriend, Kiara Carrera, who hadn't been sober for a second since Tatum's death. You see, Tatum had a long history of mental illness, and Kie had more than enough money to get her the help she so clearly needed. But she didn't. She was going to. But then it was suddenly too late. And she also knew for sure that the very last thing Tatum Quinn thought about before she dragged that knife over her neck was the way she hurt Kiara the previous day. Because everyone knew that Tatum Quinn would kill herself before hurting somebody she loved. And that was exactly what she did.

Unusual tears threatening to fall from his face, JJ fiercely branded their promise into the tree that rested in John B's garden.



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𓂸 P4L 𓂸

He stood back beside Kiara, a flask of his and Tatum's favourite cider in his hand. "To John B, Thomas and Tatum," he said to no one, before taking a swig of the intoxicating substance.

"And to Sarah," added Kiara, her voice weak, as she went through a box of the girl's things while wearing an old shirt of Tatum's.

Pope, whose tears were spilling onto Thomas' box of ashes, raised his own can of beer in salute, and follwed JJ into taking a large gulp of the liquid.

Kiara took the amethyst bracelet off her wrist. She remembered the day Tatum gave it to her - the day all their deaths begun. During the hurricane, the reckless girl had broken into the Cameron mansion with her brothers and father, and stole back Kie's bracelet she left there a year ago. Tatum always remembered the littlest things, and she always went the extra mile for the people she loved. Maybe that was what truly destroyed her.

The three friends burried the box of things they had with them as tribute to the dead, along with the finest flowers they could steal from figure eight.

Choking on his breath, Pope opened up the final box. Thomas' ashes - the only murder they had complete confirmation of. He poured it over the grass and mumbled the goodbyes he had to the boy he almost fell in love with. If only they had more time...

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now