𝒙𝒍𝒗. 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔, 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔, 𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒔

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After a surprisingly motivating speech from the one and only JJ Maybank, the pouges - all seven of them, this time - towed the Twinkie out of the swamp and began their short journey to the abandoned church at the edge of town.

Kiara and Sarah held each side of Tatum's body to help support her because she insisted on going with them - 'my super strong super powers will lift the cross all on their own' was a direct quote from the conversation.

"Oh, Tate, don't be -"

The sound of retching cut off Sarah Cameron, and now pink spew coloured her brand new sandals. While the blonde girl ran away with a squeal, her whole body shaking at the disgustingly warm and lumpy sick, Kiara held Tatum's back supportively, helped her sit down onto the floor and pulled her hair out of her face so that she could continue vomiting out the drugs in her system.

"Ew, why's it that colour?" asked John B, pinching his nose to avoid catching a whiff of the smell.

"Drugs, baby, drugs," responded JJ cooly, not too bothered about the smell, sounds or sights of it, having grown up with Tatum and seen her in much worse intoxicated states than this.

"The chemicals from them have tinted it," said Pope knowledgeably, nose scrunched with a sour look on his face.

"I am so glad I shot that bitch right now," stated Cameron, standing well away from the scene but well aware of what was going on, thanks to having to hear the sound of his sister's retching that went straight through him.

Although he had only known her a little while, Cam felt like he knew everything about Tatum now, and the fact she wore their mother's coat every single day for the last ten years made him sick. She respected that woman - the woman who abandoned her all those years ago - so much, and the second she met her, it was ruined. Carla Limbrey almost killed her own daughter because she was so determined to have a killer on her side. She almost killed her own son because she couldn't accept who she was. Carla Limbrey truly was the antichrist.

Kiara rolled her eyes at their immaturity, only wanting to comfort Tatum and her poorly stomach at this time, rubbing her girlfriend's back with sympathy and comfort. "Hey, maybe we should call Leroy?" she suggested softly, leaning over to whisper it into Tatum's ear. "He can help the boys out with this, while me, you and Sarah watch a movie?"

Tatum shook her head, squatted on the floor and puking up burning chemicals that made her feel like she was going to die with every breath she took. Sweating everywhere, wiping her lips, she leaned back on Kie's shoulder, taking a moment to regain her strength. But it never came. "I want to help," she said weakly.

"You'll help us all if you get some rest," John B insisted, able to sit down beside her now that she had finished throwing up.

He clearly jinxed himself by thinking that, because the moment he crouched down, she leaned over and puked up all over his trainers like she had done with Sarah. John B let out the loudest, girliest sqeal the others had ever heard, and sprinted away like his life depended on it, causing the other three boys to break down laughing at him, even though they'd to the exact same in his position.

"I'll call Leroy now," announced Kiara, once again rolling her eyes at the boys, and pulled out her phone while still comforting her sick girlfriend as she spewed up all over the sacred floors of the old church all the teenagers had sex in.

"If Pops asks, we have not done anything illegal today," Pope warned his adoptive sister, standing far away from her and her pink vomit.

Tatum nodded, face gleaming with sweat, as she doubled over and let out another round of the chunky liquid. "Got it."

"Lee's on his way," said Kie, putting down her phone and smoothly rubbing her girlfriend's back again. She looked up at Sarah Cameron, who was trying her very hardest to act mature in this disgusting situation, but her childish instincts were trying their hardest to push through. "He's gonna help the boys out with the cross; and me, you and Tate are going to her house to relax."

Sarah nodded, eyes flickering back to John B, wishing he'd tell her to stay, that he'd tell her he still wanted her, that he'd hurry up and put everyone out of their misery by begging for her forgiveness.

Tatum lifted her head up again, sure that this time she was done. "Great," she mumbled, the last pieces of sick running down her lip, causing Kiara to wipe it for her. She smiled. "My two favourite things: girls and being lazy."

"Three girls," remarked JJ, a smirk playing at his lips. "Girls, girls, girls - you sure I can't join?"

Tatum shook her head, eyes half shut in exhaustion. "We're all girls' girls here, J."

"I'm not."

"Trust me, Barbie, one sleepover with me and you'll love the land of puss."

Kiara playfully smacked her girlfriend around the head, causing Tatum to giggle and roll over on the floor. In the sick.

"Urgh, Tate, that's disgusting."

a/n: another short chapter but i really like my tiara scenes right now.

since im almost at the end of this book, im starting to plan out my next one, which will be a pll girl x girl fic. id really appreciate it if everyone went onto my profile and voted for the one you want me to write (my personal favourite is delicate because i really want to write a really cutesy romance, but i know that her story isn't for everyone)

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