𝒙𝒍𝒊𝒗. 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒔

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Tatum Quinn, now very much awake and very much stoned, threw her head and arms out of the window as she greeted the pouges along the swamp, waving over at the blonde girl she hadn't seen since the huge fight.

Turning away from her wounded ex-boyfriend, Sarah Cameron laughed and craned her head forwards to face the Carrera's truck. "Hey, Tate, what's up with you?" she chuckled slightly at the way the girl was looking everywhere, eyes half way up her head.

"She's high as shit is what she is," huffed Kiara, pulling her girlfriend away from the window before she fell out or cut herself on it. She wasn't angry with Tatum - not at all - she was angry that there were so many drugs in her system that she'd gone through five hundred different emotions in the last ten minutes she'd been awake. JJ and Cameron had to jump out the car and carry her back in because she found running away so hilarious. FOUR TIMES.

"Where the hell where you guys?!" called Pope, sat on top of the stranded Twinkie along with John B and Sarah, trapped in the middle of the swamp surrounded by alligators.

The four in question climbed out of the car, Tatum stumbling and falling over the second her toes touched the mud, which meant, once again, JJ had to carry her. This was why the guy was so jacked without working out at all - he was constantly having to lift Tate.

"Paternal complications," answered Kiara, trying her hardest to look away from her girlfriend in fear that she'd join in with her random giggling.

"I shot my mom," said Cameron with a bright smile, taking out supplies from the back of the truck.

"And Luke was at the Château," added JJ, swinging an overly excited Tatum back up before her head hit the floor.

Tatum nodded, hanging upside down over the blonde's shoulder, kicking her legs back and forth with giggles and fun.

"Oh, great!" responded Pope sarcastically, anger spitting through his voice like venom, telling him to yell things he didn't really mean. "While you were out having family time with your parents, John B got bit by a gator!"

"Like, for real?"

"Does it look like we're joking?" spat Sarah.

While her question was so obviously rhetorical, a highly drugged up Tatum pushed her way off JJ's shoulder, causing her body to slam off the mud beneath them with a thud, which only made her giggle even more - all of this just to run into the dirty water (where, yes, an alligator was resting) and splash around until she could clearly see Sarah's face.

Once she could finally see the blonde girl, she shook her head in answer to the question, a huge grin on her face as she looked around to see everyone staring at her in shock.

Pope threw his arm out in front of him to point at the girl below, who was splashing in the water with glee. "Okay, what the hell happened to her?" he asked the other three at the edge of the water, a furious look spread across his face. "An hour ago, she was a leaf, and now she's a freaking grasshopper."

"Wow, lucky Kie," muttered JJ, because he seriously couldn't help himself, proudly chuckling to himself.

Kiara, however, completely ignored his comment and carried on to stare at her girlfriend in worry. "Okay, can somebody just help her up before she gets bitten by a gator?" she hissed, not sure if it was her anxiety or there was an actual green head gliding towards Tate in the water.

John B nodded, leaning forward and biting back the pulsing pain in his leg to lift up Tatum and carry her onto the sinking Twinkie.

"Johnny, you're alive!" she gasped, throwing her arms around him and pushing him down. She turned back to face Sarah and Pope, a relieved expression on his face. "They didn't get him!"

"Who didn't get him?" asked Sarah, brows furrowed.

"The aliens, obviously."

a/n: im really sorry for how short the chapters have been lately and how ive not been updating as much as i used to. christmas is this week and ive had a lot to do so i haven't been able to spend as much time on this as i usually do, and when i write long chapters i end up losing motivation so it's really hard for me.

however, i hope everyone's enjoying this fic and i hope y'all have a good holiday <3 — tay

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now