𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒔

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After a whole week of wobbly, the pouges were finally back on track. They had the key, they had John B and they had strong friendships. The very last thing they needed was their stunning sharpshooter. Tatum Quinn. They knew where she was. However, the last time the pouges visited Limbrey's palace, Pope found himself kidnapped.

And that was the only reason they stepped foot into the Quinn home that day, desperate for any kind of help, and Leroy Quinn was their only chance. It was one of the riskiest things they had ever done, but they were prepared to run through wars and violence for their girl.

It was six-thirty, meaning they had half an hour before Nathan would return home from the garage. That was what JJ told them, at least. That was how it was the last time he'd seen the family, anyway.

They weren't idiots. They wouldn't have touched the doorstep if they knew what they would run into. They never expected him to be home.

"When we were little, me and Tate used to sneak into her dad's room 'n' steal his drugs," stated JJ, feeling weirdly nostalgic as he opened the front door of the house that nearly killed his best friend. "We sold 'em, blamed it on Joe, then ran away before we got stabbed or some shit."

The others frowned a little. While everyone in the group loved and cared for Tatum like she was family, nobody had actually grown up with her and formed a bond like she and JJ did. He knew her better than any of the pouges - better than Kie - but he wasn't enough to bring her back to herself, and it killed him. Everyone could see the difference in him since they were separated once again. All the giggles, all the songs, all the hugs, wasn't enough to see what was really going on inside her head, and he'd never forgive himself for not noticing the signs before it was too late. Because she had lost herself now, and the pouges weren't sure if they could bring her back.

Every sociopath has their weak spot, their soft underbelly. For Tatum, it was her love for Kiara Carrera. For Rafe, it was the acceptance of his father. For Leroy, they could only hope it was the care he had for his little sister.

When JJ had first suggested this, everyone thought he was mad. Leroy Quinn? He let Tatum go through hell, he was the only sibling strong enough to take down their dad, but he didn't - he let his sister get assaulted, abused, abducted. He stood by and let it all happen because his father told him to. But the moment Nathan Quinn was gone, the moment he wasn't watching over, JJ could've sworn he seen the smallest hint of worry in his eye. That night, before Tate was arrested, Leroy seen her. In the hot tub, he seen her. But he didn't say a word. And although it was by a long shot - an extremely long shot - JJ hoped this would work. It was the only thing they had.

However, when they stepped into the Quinn home, they were faced with something they didn't prepare for. Who would prepare for Nathan Quinn? He was simply too unpredictable.

"Uncle Nate, what's up?" JJ tried to sound casual, happy, even shooting friendly finger guns at the old man, but there was no mistaking the croak in his voice.

Instead of replying to his honorary nephew, Nathan Quinn stood up from his seat on the smelly, old, leather couch, stretching out his arms to show the gun tucked into the waistband of his pants. "What the fuck d'you want, J?" he asked rudely, taking an empty beer bottle into his hand and drinking the air inside of it. "Your dad's not here, he's still in jail. And for fuck's sake, did you have to bring these little fags with you?"

The moment Kiara's eyes met her ex-girlfriend's father's, her blood was filled with a flaming hot fury she had never felt before. She could see the pleasure in his eyes, the pleasure he had in scaring people. He could sense their anxiety over him, and he loved it. Craved it, even. Fed off it.

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now