𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊. 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒔

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Cluelessly and unable to understand that this whole thing was not thrown for her, Tatum strolled onto the field linking arms with her brother, explaining everything about the exciting bonfire. Even he knew this wasn't thrown for her, but she wouldn't be told otherwise.

Today was one of the best birthday's she had of her life. Thomas was still very much included with all the gifts and she had been wearing one of his old shirts all day, TJ was just the cutest thing ever, she gained a new friend out of her brother Cameron, she became an official member of the Heyward family, she took all her meds without feeling the slightest but drowsy, and her bio dad wasn't there to ruin everything like he normally did.

So, because her day had gone so well in a way it hadn't since she was born, Tatum decided that she was going to grow the balls and do it.

She knew the night before that she wanted Kie back more than anything. She knew the night before that if she was still with Kie she wouldn't have done what she did. She knew the night before that she needed Kie, and that was okay. Everybody needs someone. Nobody can go through all there shit alone. And Tatum's someone was Kiara Carrera.

But when they were so close this morning, when she could practically taste her lips, Tatum hesitated with insecurity. She didn't know if Kie even wanted her back. She didn't know if she had waited too long and now Kie had lost interest.

Sure, Kiara had literally become Tatum's maid the last few days, but maybe that was just because she felt guilty about how it ended. Maybe Kiara did only want to be friends.

But tonight Tatum was finally going to grow the balls and do something about it. She was going to grab Kie and she was going to kiss her. Hard. Desperate. Needy.

And if Kie didn't like her back, then oh well. Yes, Tate would probably go on a rampage, but she'd get over it afterwards.

A hand suddenly collided with her back and a whole, heavy body was slinging off her with laughter. JJ Maybank swung his head around to face the birthday girl, two filled red solo cups in his hand, which were spilling all over. "Pope and Kie see you, you're dead," he stated in a deep, drunken voice.

Tatum giggled and shook her head, spinning around so she was the one being lifted on his back. "Nobody's killing me tonight; it's my birthday party."

JJ laughed and shook his head, knowing that it definitely was not thrown for her but he wasn't going to ruin it for the girl. He nodded over to the middle of the field, where John B was currently chatting to some girl, who was playing with her hair and smirking at his every work. "Look, our boy's on the pull."

"Why?" she asked, looking the girl up and down with a bitchy facial expression. She knew her from school. That cunt tried to stick it on Joseph once, even though he was clearly gay! "What about Sarah?"

"Oh, relax, Tate, he's just havin' some fun," JJ said, swinging her around on his back and handing her a cup of beer. "And she's the one who broke up with him."

"Her dad died," Tatum argued, downing as much alcohol as she could before one of the 'responsibles' caught her.

"Her dad was Ward Cameron."

"He was still her dad."

Tatum was on JB's side forever. Against anything, right or wrong. They'd been best friends ever since that day he found her and JJ getting drunk and dancing to Taylor Swift at nine years old. They gave him his fist drink!

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now