𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒗. 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒔

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At the unexpected words of Tatum Quinn, Kiara Carrera pulled away from their kiss with a puzzled look, still holding onto her cheekbone with gentle care.

"What do you mean?" she asked, not breaking her softening eye contact from the girl.

Tatum pushed her hand away from her face with a pout. "Carla said she -" Her face morphed into realisation, her lips turning into a scowl, and taking Kiara's wrists into her hands. Carla didn't email anyone; she wanted Tatum to believe her friends didn't care about her. She wanted Tatum to trust her, and only her. But why? "That bitch lied to me."

The window swung open even more and JJ toppled inside with a loud crash, causing the nurse in her rocking chair to stirr and groan in her sleep.

"Sorry. I couldn't wait any longer," he said sheepishly at Kie's glare, telling him to be quiet before he woke the whole house up. But the moment he seen Tatum Quinn, the warning didn't matter. Without another word, he leaped towards her and tackled her to the bed with heaps of laughter. "I missed you, man."

And because JJ made the idiotic decision to be loud as hell and jump through the window, of course, John B had to follow after him, joining the two of the giggly, immature teenagers on the bed.

"Ah, JB, you're out!" she squealed excitedly against his tickles, biting his ear.

"I'm a free man!"


The next person to enter the room was Pope Heyward, sneaking in as quietly as he could, careful not to wake the people whose ancestors enslaved his. In his hand was a clear box with seven sections, each of them marked off with the days of the week.

"Hey, Tate," he said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he was faced with her for the first time since her murder spree. All the guilt rose to his throat again when he seen the cloth wrapped around the wound on her neck. He felt sick. He would never forgive himself for this. "I got you something - it's an organiser...for your meds. I made it."

Tatum threw her head back with a groan, landing on JJ's hard chest. "They make me feel so shitty," she complained, pulling the third boy down to lay with them on the soft mattress that truly felt like heaven to the poor pouges. "Please don't make me take them."

"I'll take them if you don't," JJ spoke up bubbly, happy that all his friends were getting along once again. "Antidepressants are the best kind of drug."

Tatum shook her head and rolled her eyes,spread across a pile of sweaty, teenage boys. "These things knocked me out for twenty-four hours straight," she told him grimly, holding her hand out for Kie to join them on the king-sized, luxury bed, wrapping her arms around her waist and resting her head on her shoulder. They had a lot to talk about, a lot to say to each other, but that could wait. For now, they were all together, and that meant everything.

Pope furrowed his brows, taking hold of the five tubes of medication on Tatum's bedside table, inspecting each of them carefully. "Hey, uh, what are you on again?" he asked, turning back to the girl.

She shrugged, squeezing Kiara tighter. "Atomoxetine
Valporate, Librium and Lithium," she recited her old doctor's list.

With an uneasy look at his best friend, Pope Heyward shook his head. "Tate...all of these tubes are filled with Rohypnol," he revealed darkly, looking at the girl with concern. "Limbrey's been roofying you."

The whole room fell into an aloof silence, staring at the sleeping 'nurse' beside her bed. That was why Carla took her out of the hospital. To drug her. But why? Why was the biggest question in Tatum's mind. Why her mom suddenly did anything.

However, she wasn't able to ask her question before loud footsteps begun to race through the building, sending the pouges into panic.

"Come on," said John B, pulling a lightweight Tatum up from the bed. "Leroy's waiting for us outside."

The girl froze, her back straightening. Everyone turned to her, time running out and adrenaline sprinting through their veins. The footsteps were getting closer, and nobody knew who might turn up.

"I'm sorry, did you just say Leroy? Leroy, as in my psychopathic big brother?"

Kiara linked her arms with the girl before anymore questions could be asked. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to break the news about her father. It was crazy to think that only one bullet could take down the legend that was Nathan Quinn. It was crazy to think he was dead. That Kiara Carrera, of all people, killed him. But while she felt sick over murdering someone, she didn't care that he was dead. He deserved it. Nobody was going to cry over that monster being gone. Nobody wasn't going to grieve.

"We've got a lot to talk about," she said quickly, helping Tatum climb out of the window.

Tatum nodded understandingly and tried her hardest to lower herself down the side of the mansion with the little strength she had left. Her friends came to save her. Her friends did care about her. Her friends did love her. And maybe they were the only people who did, but that didn't matter, because they were enough.

As she climbed further down the building, Tatum begun to wonder about the missing pouge. The blonde barbie she often flirted with, Sarah Cameron. Where the hell was she?

"Hey, Tatum, where the hell are you going?!"

Hanging out of the bedroom window, Cameron Limbrey stood with furrowed brows, looking down at his sister.

"Getting the fuck away from you and your crazy family!" she called back, jumping onto the hard pavement. "And it's Tate, you dick!"

The pouges all giggled and whooped as they sprinted through the maze that was the Limbrey yard, while guards and officers began to race out of the house for them.

"Jesus, Tate, you have a whole S.W.A.T team living with you!" commented JJ, barking with laughter as he teased three of the guards.

"Because I'm fucking dangerous!" she called back with a giggle, not sure how she was able to run under all the drugs.

Kiara laughed and pulled the girl towards her before she ran into a tree, lifting her up onto her back and sprinting outside the tall, metal gates.

The moment they hit the floor of The Twinkie, the pouges collapsed into exhaustion and light chuckles, occasionally mumbling swear words.

Tatum slung her arms around Kiara's neck and pressed her warm cheek against her freezing one, sending comfort and relaxation through both their bones and bodies, happy to finally be together again.

"I love you, too."

a/n: kiara redemption?
pope redemption?!

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now