𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒕

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After the craziness that was an all-out kook v pouge war, which the southside obviously won, the small group of teenagers rested their muscles outside the Château with fairy lights and a campfire, with roasted marshmallows on a stick and hot sandwiches, the idea given to them by Kiara, of course.

Tatum's chin rested on Kie's shoulder, too drained to eat the soft, dry, cooked sweets, her arms wrapped loosely around the girl's waist as they slowly drifted away from the world with the warmth and comfort of each other's bodies, their smiles light and real, happy to be together again. No more drama.

Now their lesbian, side couple was finally back together, the boys of the group were slightly put to peace, their worry and concern for Tatum dialling down a little, as they knew that if anyone could calm her in the dark times, it was Kiara Carrera. Tatum was the fire and she was her water. Together, they brought peace into each other's hearts.

"You should've seen me after getting my nose done," said Cameron with a small chuckle, sitting in between his sister and John B, stick in the fire, referring back to Pope's statement about black eyes.

JJ, who still didn't trust the boy in the slightest, rolled his eyes a little, sitting down next to Pope on a black garden chair, a paper plate on his lap. "That was building up for years," he commented, still hyped over the fight. "Rumble in the jungle."

"Hey, did Sarah really stick up for you?" asked John B distantly, mind stuck on the girl he started a huge fight for an hour ago, turning to the two girls beside him on the bench.

For the first time since sitting down, Tatum lifted her head of her girlfriend's, mind smashing against the sides of her head. "Mhm," she mumbled, snuggling back into Kiara as the girl wrapped her arms around her.

Pope looked up instantly, his mouth dropping, head snapping to JJ. "You gave her alcohol?" he hissed incredulously. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"

"She's fine," the blonde boy argued, throwing his arms out at the almost passed-out girl drooped over her girlfriend. "Just a little tired, that's all."

Pope shook his head disappointedly, realising he now had to check up on his sister every hour to make sure the idiot was still alive. What was she thinking? Mixing alcohol with the meds she was on? One more drop of it and she'd be hooked up to an IV. Again.

"Of course she did," answered Kie, steering the conversation back to the broken hearted boy's question, squeezing Tatum tighter, beyond grateful to have her back in her arms after everything. "She's not a real kook."

The air went into a bitter silence for a moment before John B eventually nodded, "Right."

"Yeah, tell that to Topper," said Pope with an eye roll.

The pouges disagreed a lot about the good kooks and the bad kooks, but each and every one of them could agree that they hated Topper Thornton the most.

Tatum let out a tiny giggle when JJ pressed his finger to his roasted marshmallow only for it to burn his fingers.

Kiara looked down at her with a smile, missing that bubbly sound that really pushed her through the bad days.

When they met eyes, both soft and sweet, Kie squeezed Tate's hand and leaned down to plant a peaceful, loving kiss on her forehead.

"Love you," the sleepy girl mumbled, playing with her girlfriend's many friendship bracelets, almost all of them crafted by JJ and John B. She searched her arm for the stunning amethyst, crystal bracelet she stole for her, but was disappointed when she found that it wasn't there anymore.

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now