𝒙𝒊𝒗. 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌

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For the rest of the night, the pouges had been getting way too drunk - to the point where Pope mother fucking Heyward began to rap - and partied like regular teenagers on a Saturday night. Though, they weren't exactly sure what day it was. It didn't matter; it wasn't like they'd be returning to school any time soon. The two tense boys had finally gave in and got on brotherly, civil terms during their intoxicated states, and Tatum couldn't have been happier about it. Baby TJ slept right through the day, allowing her the time to do whatever she wanted, which was mainly irresponsible, teenage things.

Which brought her to right now, laid on John B's famous fuck bed, underneath the hot body of her girlfriend.

Kiara pressed her lips harder against Tatum's, breathing her heated promises over and over again against the girl's neck, crushing her hips against hers so they were as close as they could be.

"I love you, too," Tatum breathed, her eyes half way up her head as Kiara tore open her shorts and rubbed a soft finger against her damp pants.

With a teasing grin, Kie went down on every part of her girlfriend's body, kissing and savouring every piece of her luxurious skin, smiling against it every time she heard a desperate moan escape Tate's lips. She flicked her tongue up and down her icy, hard nipples, sending shivers through her whole body, a raspy gasp leaving her throat.

When she reached her waistline, Kiara paused. Tatum gritted her teeth, trying her hardest not to whine as the girl teasingly rubbed a single, tickling finger over her waist.

Kiara smirked and leaned back down to press one last, deep kiss to the girl's top bikini line before pulling down her underwear.

Her lips met Tatum's clit and she rubbed her bottom lip against it first, the mere touch sending the girl's legs out of control. Shaking and desperate, Tatum realised how much she had missed this during her time away.

As Kiara continued to smoothly glide her tongue up and down her clit, occasionally giving it a light suck, Tatum's eyes quivered, her legs shook and her back arched. And when she slid two delicate fingers into her, she lost all self control, gripped onto Kie's head and threw her head back with the loudest moans she had ever had, begging for her body's release.

But when it came, when Tatum expected the amazing, adrenaline rush of it, when she expected her core to clench itself around Kiara's fingers, for her clit to throb in the best way, she was only rewarded with her worst nightmare.

Because when Kie rose back ontop of her with a grin, it wasn't Kie anymore. It was her dad. Nathan. His eyes greedy, his smirk evil and his hands dirty. Tatum no longer felt the ecstatic feeling for release. Instead, she felt disgusting. Like her body wasn't her own. Like it didn't belong to her. Like she was going to throw up.

"Tate, you okay?"

Kiara was suddenly pushed aside, her back flat on the bed, and her girlfriend was gone.

Outside, leaning against a tree, Tatum retched and vomited over the fresh-cut, green grass. What the hell was happening? This had never happened before. Not since the bunker. She couldn't breathe. Was this going to be a constant thing? Was she ever going to be okay in sex again? Would her father haunt her forever?

She couldn't live like this anymore. She really couldn't.

"Hey, uh, Tate?"

At the sound of Pope's voice, the girl dragged a hand over her lips to cover up the remaining bits of sick and saliva. Though, she didn't do a very roof job at hiding it, considering there was a pool of vomit on the floor.

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now