𝒙𝒍𝒊𝒊. 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒄𝒖𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅

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Slowly blinking, mind vanished from her head, the dead, once a fabulous blue, eyes of Tatum Quinn raised themselves to meet the familiar faces of JJ Maybank, Cameron Limbrey and Kiara Carrera.

In the single hour the pouges had been separated from her, the only thing any of them had thought about was getting her back. The Twinkie crashed into the water, got herself stuck in a bog, which meant they had to sent out their troopers to go get a jew car and something to pull her out of. And, of course, if JJ, Cam and Kie were going anywhere, they were going to get their girl back first.

Peering through the room opposite them, the three pouges watched the enemy searching the island room once again. Seeing that they were all distracted, everyone turned back to Tatum, who was already staring right back at them after JJ's confident boost of voice.

Kiara's lips parted at the sight of her girlfriend. They were killing her. Slowly. Painfully. Poisoning her blood with deadly chemicals that would eat at her insides and turn her organs into acid. Paralysed into her wheelchair, and IV strip attached to her with four prickly needles, god knows what prancing through her veins, Tatum's dead blue orbs begged to be saved.

Cameron was the first to move. He knew his mom wouldn't just leave her prized possession in an empty room with no supervision, no protection. Since they were currently in the Cameron family mansion, this Cameron had no idea how their locks or control system worked. After hearing the story of their recent fire, he was sure their security would be pretty high now.

When JJ went to leap forward into the room in front of them, the biological twin brother of the victim stopped him by putting out his arm.

"What?" hissed the blonde rudely, desperate to get his girl back. "The door's wide open."

"Exactly," said Cameron in a hushed voice. "It's too simple."

Kiara sighed and rolled her eyes as the two boys began bickering like they always did now, JJ often accusing the other of not caring about Tatum. And, like usual, rather than choosing to split them up, Kie ignored them both. 

With a huff, she stormed into the room herself, carelessly and recklessly, unbothered by whatever alarms she could set off. All she needed to do was get Tatum back - anyone who dared to get in her way of completing that task could go to hell. She would be okay once she had her girl back. Everything would be okay once they had Tatum Quinn back.

As expected, the most deafening alarms blared through every single room, closet and hallway of the huge home, distracting everyone from their personal tasks.

In a panic, the two boys finally shut up and ran towards Kiara, who was carefully trying to take out the needles in Tatum's arm.

But time was running out. They had to be quicker.

Shutting his eyes, refusing to look at the scene he was about to cause, JJ pushed Kie away and tore out the needles from the girl's arm. Blood dashed everywhere, a cry forced itself out of Tatum's lips, she began to shake and pain flooded her entire body.

As guards began to enter the room, JJ heaved the girl over his shoulder and sprinted.

Kiara and Cameron fought side-by-side against some of the armed men, but it was useless - they were too strong.

Being chased by at least twenty people, bullets flying past their faces, the three teenagers toppled down the grand, marble stairs, only to find themselves at the feet of Carla Limbrey, Renfield and Rafe Cameron.

"You couldn't have just waited for me to fry the wires?" huffed Cameron, turning to face the other two rather than meeting the deadly eyes of his frail mother.

All though she knew he was completely right, Kiara ignored the boy. In fact, she ignored everyone in the room, too focused crawling towards her girl, terrified that she had been badly hurt from the fall.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to the bleeding, unconscious girl who was now in her arms. She planted a kiss to Tatum's temple, a tear falling down her face. "This is all my fault."

Then, there was a gunshot, and everyone froze.

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now