𝒗𝒊𝒊. 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒂𝒛𝒚

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As much as Tatum wanted to go to this sketchy, illegal doctor's place, John B and Sarah told her to stay back with the gold and the others, because they didn't want the baby seeing all that blood and gore so young, and end up as fucked up as his older siblings - not like TJ hadn't seen over twenty dead people already in his short time of life. Hours later, and Tatum found herself fidgeting at the wharf, nervously waiting for her friends. And considering she hated the blonde before, Tatum and Sarah found out they had a lot in common recently. Serial killing dad's, for a start, psychopathic brothers that want to kill them, also. It was like they were meant to be best friends.

Tatum stopped tapping her fingers on the fence and turned to a smiling Cleo, who had noticed her anxiety and rushed to distract the girl. "Hmm?"

"John B and Sarah," repeated Cleo. "You ever felt it?"

"Have you?" asked Tatum in return, wanting to know more about the girl before she completely trusted her. Cleo had proved herself loyal and welcoming, but friends can always stab you in the back if they know more about you than you know of them. Leroy taught her that when they were younger. She still couldn't properly process the thought that she might've killed him, and she honestly hoped she didn't. He grew up the same way she did, he was manipulated by the same man she was, which meant maybe he could change. Tatum hoped he could, because every time she looked in a mirror, she saw him staring back at her; Tatum saw Leroy in herself, and it terrified her. If he couldn't be good, then she was destined for horror.

"Once," answered Cleo with a shrug, taking the other girl out of her dark train of thoughts. "It was stupid of me."

Tatum gave her a light smile. Her answer was vague, but it was enough. She had a feeling Cleo didn't open up very easily, and that was okay. "Her name's Kiara," she said, finally answering the question, feeling enough trust now. "She's the most beautiful girl I've ever met."

"What are you going to do when you see her again?" Cleo pressed, knowing the girl needed to be distracted until Sarah and John B got back, otherwise she'd rip off her fingernails like she was a medieval torture device.

Tatum shrugged, resting her elbows on the fence and looking into the distance, picturing Kie in her head. It made her heart throb. She missed her so much. Everyday she didn't apologise for hurting her, she felt worse. It physically pained her to replay the image of her kicking the one girl she loved. And her mind wouldn't stop watching that video. "I'm gonna grab her, and I'm gonna kiss her," she answered with a confident nod. "Then, I'm going to apologise for every single thing I've ever done, and tell her how much I love her."

Cleo shook her head. "She makes you vulnerable, huh?" She repeated the head movement and scoffed. "It's weak, y'know. I've seen you; I've seen what you can do. You'd be really good on our team." She nudged Tatum in the arm with a smirk. "Need some more killer girls here."

"Nah," said Tatum, turning back around to the dark-skinned girl. "I think I like having a weak spot. Without Kie, I'd go crazy."

"Sometimes this world needs a little crazy."



Eight hours. They said they'd be eight hours. It was well into the afternoon now, and they were still gone. Captain Terrance was right when he said it got really hot around there - the scorching heat was frustrating the baby. And Tatum didn't have any suncream. Or formula milk. Maybe she should've left TJ at some gas station. Maybe he would have a better life with someone else. She wasn't good enough to look after a whole baby, and everytime he cried, it was killing her slowly. But she couldn't give up. He was her baby brother, and she would raise him right. She just needed someone else. Someone who didn't make decisions like she did. Decisions like feeding a newbrown baby bitter beer. Someone like Kiara. Who was a hundred miles away.

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now