𝒙𝒍𝒗𝒊. 𝒃𝒖𝒛𝒛𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒔

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Sleeping girlfriend wrapped in her arms, Kiara Carrera wiped a tear from her eye as she watched Vada sob and breakdown at the funeral over Thomas J's glasses in My Girl.

From the next couch, Sarah, who had been crying over the movie for the last ten minutes, nodded in agreement, cradling a bowl of popcorn in her hands.

Today went really well. The girls retreated back to the Heyward family home once Leroy showed up at the church, and after a long interrogation from her father, Tatum took Sarah and Kie upstairs to get changed into some pyjamas. She'd never had an official sleepover before, so although she was extremely sick and passed out every twenty minutes, Tatum was really excited to spend relaxing time with the girls. Her mom baked a delicious cherry pie for the three of them and laid down some cozy blankets in the living room, where TJ was sleeping in his crib. And for the rest of the day, while they waited for the boys to get back with the cross, Sarah, Tatum and Kiara laughed, cried and binge-watched every 90's chick flick they could find in Mrs Heyward's old DVD drawers. However, Tate did spent most of her time falling in and out of hot sweats and feeling exhausted in her girlfriend's arms, drifting off into a short slumber everytime she blinked.

The feeling of her girlfriend's phone vibrating under her body is what woke her up this time, causing her to let out a quiet groan at the sudden buzzing from beneath her. She looked up at Kiara with a tired smile, face full of sweat, as her insides fought their hardest against the drugs trying to destroy her.

"Hey, princess," whispered Kie softly, planting a gentle kiss to Tatum's forehead before finally taking out her phone.

Expecting it to be the boys, and secretly obsessing over her ex-boyfriend with worry, Sarah sat up straight from her seat surrounded by all the food.

Kiara sent her an understanding nod and put the phone on loud-speaker. The second she pressed that button, screams erupted from the speaker, causing Tatum to block her ears, feeling the sound throw her brain back and forth in her head like it was a basketball.




The sounds of three panicked teenage boys weared down a little when the man on the phone switched rooms. "We found the gold," he announced, and the girls could here the muffled shouting from the distance.

Tatum sat up at the sound of his voice, resting her back on her girlfriend's chest. "Is that Leroy?" she asked tiredly, rubbing her red eyes.

Kiara nodded, brushing the dark strands of hair out of Tatum's face that stopped her from seeing those brilliant blue orbs. Sitting on the next couch, hugging tons of food close to her, Sarah had never felt more single and really contemplated snogging her back of cheetos right now.

"How are you?" questioned Leroy, having been filled in on all the events that went over the last few days, concerned for his little sister and her health state, physically and mentally. "Feeling any better?"

Forgetting that he couldn't see her, Tatum nodded, head in a daze as she stared at the credits on the TV screen.

Kiara chuckled lightly, squeezing the girl close to her chest. "She's fine," she answered for Tautm. "Just a little tired still, that's all."

"What about TJ?" he asked. "How's he?"

Sarah looked to her side to see the baby passed-out in the crib, a filled bottle of milk in his hand. "The same."

"All right, well, we found the cross, but..." His voice trailed, mind trying to come up with the best way to say it. "Pope got stung be a shit-load of bees -"

Tatum's head shot up. "Pope's allergic to bees."

"Yeah, we know," said Leroy. "That's why we're at Cousin Ricky's to help him." There was a slight pause, which made the girls hear all the commotion going on in the background, before he went on. "He'll be...he'll be fine - the others just wanted me to call y'all because they're terrified of what you might do if we didn't keep you in the loop."

Knowingly, Sarah and Tatum looked up at Kiara with humoured smiles, because she was the most overprotective mother they had ever met. The boys had every right to fear for her — if something happened to one of her friends and she had no idea, she'd go crazy at all the others.


"Yeah, well, I've gotta go," the man said, clenching his jaw to avoid flipping out on one of the annoying teenage boys. "See you later."

"Bye," the three girls said in sync, giggling at JJ's background dramatics.

It was ironic, really, the way they had just finished watching My Girl and now their dorky friend, who was allergic to bees, had been stung by a million of them.

im sorry for posting such useless chapters lately, but im on the second last episode and doing everything i can to avoid the ending of this fic. i promise i will be going back to the plot soon, though. — tay

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now