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In spite of the blaring music, shouts, and laughter surrounding me on all sides, I felt pretty free. It sucks though, knowing that it was the last day of all this. Summer vacation was too short for me, as always. Tomorrow would be back to pop quizzes, homework, teachers, and sports and-Sighing, I forced those thoughts away, turning my attention back to the party. It was supposedly my party, but my friend Jordan did more of the planning, so it ended up pretty cool. I wasn't sure exactly who was invited, and I can tell you right now I definitely did not know everyone.

Jordan had picked this spot on the beach near the pier and set up a volleyball net, so there were about a dozen people over there, shouting and laughing. Running over there, I spotted him and purposely shoved him so he messed up his serve.

"Hey-" He started, but when he saw me ended up laughing.

"I should've known!" He declared, shaking the sand out of his bleached blonde hair. "Should've known. So, good party, huh?"

"Yeah, might be our best one yet." I said, not caring one way or another.

"I bet the whole schools here." He grinned, before pausing "Hey where's whats-her-name? Nora?"

"Lili." I corrected and just shrugged "We broke up. Weren't a great fit."

Jordan just laughed, rolling his eyes. "Only you could date a girl for a week and say that. I mean come on man, what's the longest one of your 'relationships' has lasted?"

Jeez, not this again.

"I don't know," I shrugged "A week or two."

He laughed loudly before some kids from the volleyball game hollered his name.

"Oops," He grinned, "gotta go. See you!"

I didn't bother responding as he ran back.


Let's get one thing straight. I'm not a player. I'm not some idiot, who will ask a girl out, string her along for a bit, then just leave; even though that seems to be what everyone thinks. I honestly have just given up on trying to change their opinion.

I mean, why not just accept it? I thought as I allowed myself to drift through the crowd, smiling, speaking with someone now and then. Sure it makes some people hate me, but it makes my friends like me.

I sighed, shaking my head, deciding.

The role has been assigned, and I've officially accepted it.


After I finally made it through the considerably sized crowd, I spotted someone I actually wanted to talk to.

"Hey Jessie!" I hollered, seeing the familiar 5SOS shirt.

He grinned, walking over from the pier, and only then did I notice he wasn't alone.

"Hey, Christian. Thanks for the invite." Jess replied, looking around. "This party is awesome."

"Yup," I agreed, "there's no better way to end our freedom."

He laughed, nodding. 'Don't remind me. I honestly can't stand the thought of school tomorrow." Turning to the person next to him, he playfully pulled on her braid. "What bout you, Olivia?"

That's when I finally recognized her. Olivia Asher.

She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed. "I can't wait for school."

"Oh that's a lie!" He said, before turning back to me "Olivia's annoyed cause I dragged her out of bed before noon."

"No, I'm annoyed because you dragged me to some mystery party, promising that'd it would be 'fun'." She shot back, looking a bit smug.

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