Chapter Five: Jessie, Olivia, Chrisitan (continued)

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It didn't take me and Jes very long to walk back to my house; In fact the walk back seemed faster somehow.

Maybe it was because I wasn't really paying attention to anything. I'd told him I was just tired when he asked, but in reality I had never been more awake, wondering what trouble I had gotten myself into now.

Why I agreed to that stupid plan was beyond me, why I said what I did, I honestly don't know.

Why he even agreed, was another question entirely. Christian knew full-well that I would never ever like him and he knew that I would never like him. On either side, this was a stupid choice.

When we reached my door, Jessie held out a hand to stop me from going inside. Something was up, because he was studying me closly.

"Is everything okay, Liv?" 

His question and tone caught me off gaurd, completely.

"Yeah, everythings fine...why do you ask?"

He shifted his weight, rocking back and forth, clearly nervous. Which was understandable; Even though me and Jess promised to tell eachother everything, doesn't mean we always want to.

"Well, you just seemed a bit off tonight. Just wondering if you were mad at me or something- you know- for not telling you everything."

Oh, I realized suddenly, remebering the obvious. He didn't know about Christian and I's deal. I rushed to fix my mistake.

"No, Jes, don't be stupid. Of course I'm not mad at you, your my best friend." I replied, nudgin him slightly "It was just a party, it doesn't break our friendship, silly."

"Good." He exhaled, looking relieved. "Better get inside before you miss curfew."

"Night, Jessie. See you at school."

"Don't remind me." He said, deadpanned


After I washed my hair and changed into my pajamas, I set my phone on my nighstand to charge and was about to turn off my light, when it quietly buzzed. The screen lit up with a text alert from an unknown number. 

Catiously, as though it might be a spider or something equally scary, I picked up my phone and unlocked it. When I actually read the message I wanted to roll my eyes. It wasn't some psychopath or serial killer at all, it was-

Unknown Number (602-458-9023): Hey, it's Christian. Jess gave me ur number. Thanks for tonight, you quiet literally saved my life.

Olivia (602-349-0035): You are not welcome. I just came to the realization that this next year is going to be torture and I'm kicking myself for agreeing to it.

I renamed his contact to annoyingboy, that way anyone who saw it would assume it was Jessie. 

annoyingboy (602-458-9023): Oh come on, it won't be that bad. It's worse for me than it is for you.

What in the world was he saying?

Olivia (602-349-0035)- and why's that? cause tomorrow you'll have to explain to the whole school why your dating me?

annoyingboy (602-458-9023)- come on, dont say it like that...

Olivia (602-349-0035)- like what??

annoyingboy (602-458-9023)- like...nvr mind. I should let you go to bed see u at school.

His response loading thing vanished, and just like that he was gone, leaving me more confused than ever. Sighing and silently cursing boys, I threw my phone down and crawled beneath my covers, hoping the next day would never come.


Don't worry, next update soon! :)

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