Five: Jessie/Olivia/Christian (to be continued)

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Authors Note: Even though it might be clear this first part is Jessie's POV, when I change it to anyone elses instead of xxx I'll do ~xxx~

I don't think I'd ever been so embaressed in my life, and that's saying something. Despite of all my trying, I still always feel really out of place in social situations like this. Whever I tell Liv, she just laughs and calls me a liar. But if I'm being honest, I really feel like one. 

I try my best to be funny, or sarcastic, make people laugh, and with Liv it's easy...just with everyone else I feel the need to be 'on' every single second.

I guess you could say I have a need for attention, but that doesn't really feel right. It's really more like I would rather hide half the things I do or say, but really want people to like me. And I know it sounds super stuck-up or whatever but it's true. 

Anyways, as much as I love truth or dare, that probably wasn't my favorite round I've played. Even though a lot of the dares were very funny, I really hated my own turn. Of all the questions in the universe to ask, it had to be that one? At least I told the truth, no one I liked was in the circle. Maybe Chris had a point when he said physical pain was better than emotional...

Still, as awful as my turn was, I felt really bad for Christian. Despite his many girlfriends, I don't think he only dates with the intention of breaking up with them-though that's what pretty much everyone else does. If I were to be completely honest, I don't think he even really liked any of those girls. Either way, that dare was way out of line. I can't decide what made me more mad, the fact that they had the nerve to call him out like that, or that the idiot went and agreed to it. Either way I suppose, it's out of my control


Even though the game was over, everyone was still sitting in a circle and talking. Christian normally would've talked to me so I wouldn't feel so disconnected, but right now he was kind of in his own world. Not that I blamed him, he was probably trying to figure out what he was supposed to do now that he'd gone an accepted the stupid dare like the think-before-I-act guy he is. It would be funny how bad it backfired on him if he weren't my friend...

Okay, it is still kind of funny, but mostly really bad. Right now, though I was silently willing him to snap out of it so I wouldn't have to actually socially interact with anyone. I don't care what everyone says, it doesn't seem healthy...or really appealling. But today must not be my day, because Christian stood up and started to walk away. I turned to say something, but then saw who he was walking towards, the only other person over there.


What the heck was he going to talk to her about? Because the last conversation they had,  I spent almost the entire time trying not to laugh as she made fun of him. Does that make me a crappy friend to Chris? Likely; do I regret it? Absolutely not. 

I turned away from them, though, not wanting to be a witness to whatever happened. I'd bail Olivia out of jail later, if need be.

I stared at the ground, wanting so bad to just disappear. 

Maybe, I could just stand up, walk away, go to the bus stop and-

"Hey man, what's up?"

I immeadeatly looked up to find Jordan grinning down at me, offering a hand. Quickly, before I could overthink it, I took it, standing up.

"Nothing, really." I replied, wishing I could think of something more interesting to say. I probably sounded really stupid.

Or maybe not, because Jordan just laughed, nodding. 

"Yeah, I figured. You looked a little lost inside your head."

"Just trying to wonder why I ever agreed to come to this party." I said honestly, before realizing what I'd said. Strangely enough, Jordan didn't look too offended, odd, seeing as it was his party.

"Well, to be honest, I was a little suprised to. No offense, I just really didn't think it was your scene." Jordan smiled, glancing around as though to emphasize his point.

"Yeah, it's not."

"What a shame." He sighed dramatically "I guess I'd better make my rounds. See you later?"

It was the most normal question in the world, a simple yeah would have sufficed. But of course, me and my socially akward self had to say.

"For sure, for sure-uh-yeah."

Jordan laughed it off though, waving a hand as he walked away. "See you Jess!"

I felt my face flush and immedeatly wanted to die, what was wrong with me? Thankfully, his back was turned though, so he didn't see. 

I wanted to thank every star in the sky when Liv walked up, holding her stuff and handing my mine, looking particularly pleased.

"Ready to go?" She asked, looking at me critically.

"Yes, for sure." I replied easily, putting back up my extrovertive mask.

"Good, come on then."

As we walked up the dunes, I had to ask-

"So, you didn't kill Chris? What did you to talk about anyways?"

"Nothing really, and no I didn't. I only have room for murder in my schedule on alternate Fridays from 3:30 am to 4:03."

"A shame."

I pretended not to notice when she didn't respond.


I'll upload the rest tommorrow, maybe...? 

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