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The second Christian had turned around and headed to his homeroom, I immediately pulled out my earbuds, putting them to drown out the shouts surrounding me. If I'm being completely honest, I didn't even really hear what song was playing, I was more distracted by the million thoughts whirling through my head.

In general, I'm not great at school life. I have no problem-well, kinda- with the curriculum, classes or getting along with my teachers. Its social interaction; talking to kids in the hallways; going to dances or parties and sitting with people at lunch. Because I don't talk, people assume I'm standoffish or that I wouldn't want to talk to them. That's not the case at all, but it's not like they'd really care.

I barely made it to homeroom before attendance, hastily taking a seat in the back of the room. One glance around tells me my fears are confirmed and Jes is not in my homeroom. Slumping further in my chair, I want to disappear.

Just great.

At my school, at least, everyone knows homeroom is nothing but one big social thing, sort of like the courtyard before school. And as you've probably already guessed by now, that's like, my least favorite thing. Today was about the only day in my memory that I've ever hung out in the courtyard instead of going to the library. And that was only because of Christians stupid nagging.

Jeez I really hated that boy.

To pass time- and distract myself from the awful 'social interaction' other weirdos were doing, I pulled out my notebook and started scribbling. Jes jokes that I write like other people breathe and the scary thing is that it's kinda true. I started about two or three years ago, as a stress reliever, and haven't stopped since. Pretty much everything turns into a story, poem or song lyric. People around me better watch out, because there is a ninety percent chance they'll be inspiration for a book character-and most of the time not a hero. Still, right now, right when I need it most, I have nothing. Writer's block is the bane of my existence. I sigh-quietly, so as to not draw attention- and begin to scribble on the back cover of the notebook. It's pretty much like a graffiti wall, song lyrics, broken hearts, random words, quotes. Anything and everything you could think of or guess, placed in a sorta hodgepodge organization, for my own enjoyment and amusement.

The bell rang and as per usual, I was the last out the door. The hall was noisy and crowded, but I didn't bother putting on my headphones to block it out, my class was just down the hallway. Funny, how only about thirty paces actually takes three minutes to cover, isn't it? People are so slow.

Still think of all you have to look forward to, right?


First day of school is so boring. Not even hard, just boring. All you really do is review the same dress code, the same code of conduct and different variations of the same class rules.

Sure enough, I get to math and my teacher already has the dress code slideshow pulled up on the projector. I chose a seat in the back, deciding that it was worth the risk of putting in an earbud (my right one, not facing the teacher) and hitting shuffle. Then came the most dreaded part of class, attendance.

It really shouldn't be a big deal, right? I mean, all it is is just raising your hand and saying 'here'.

But as with everything, I'm sure I'll find some way to screw it up.

Lists are almost always organized by last names, and with mine beginning with 'A', I was almost always somewhere near the top.

"Diego Avery!"

Jeez this teacher was loud-

"Nola Alexis!"

Scratch that, very loud.

"Olivia Asher!"

Twenty-something heads turned in my direction, curious.


"Here." I said, though it was sorta quiet.

"Louder next time please!"

I didn't bother responding and she just continued on. I snak lower into my chair, wishing very much to disappear.

Knowing I needed a distraction, I quickly opened my phone, lowering the brightness while my teacher droned on in the background. To my surprise, there was a text from annoyingboy showing.

I suppose I should change his name...

I tapped on it and the iMessage app opened.

annoyingboy (602-458-9023): bored out of ur mind yet?

I decided to mess with him

Not really,u?

His reply was immediate-

annoyingboy (602-458-9023): obviously

Aww no friends to mess around w/?

Again, he was quick to respond.

annoyingboy (602-458-9023):

nope :(

I rolled my eyes, typing out 'dork' about to hit send, when my finger stalled.

He's not Jessie. He's not your friend.

I deleted it, and instead typed out

Really shouldn't be texting during class tho...

annoyingboy (602-458-9023): hypocrite!

Wow, now he's trying way too hard. I bit back a laugh -for obvious reasons- and said-

Wow, another big word ;) look that one up too?

For whatever reason, he didn't reply,which was strange seeing as all his others were immediate. Then the three little loading dots went away.

"Miss Asher?"


I quickly slid my phone to the back of my notebook, turning to another page and beginning to doodle.

I glanced up, feigning confusion.


"Please focus with the rest of the class."

My face flushed scarlet. Even though I know teachers don't do it to be mean, I really hate being called out, especially for something as pointless as drawing. It just doesn't make sense.

I mean, it really doesn't make sense. Drawing can actually help you focus a lot. Plus- it's only the first day. I've gone to this school for a year, I already know all this stuff they're going over. And it's not like they are going to change it. Everything had been the same at this school since its founding in the 1800s or something. I'm sure the biggest thing that's changed at this school was 100 years ago when they decided girls didn't need to wear corsets to school!

Even at the end of the period (I heard nothing else for the entire class) I was still seething. The bell rang and I got up slowly, and waited until everyone else was out the door before leaving. I expected a reprimand of some sort from the teacher, but she gave none, devoting herself to the extra-large coffee on her desk.

Silently thanking the universe, I made a quick exit, entering the hallway and the loud roaring of the human tide. Placing the other earbud in my ear, I drowned out the annoying drone of my classmates with an 'artfully composed' playlist sent to me by Jessie. (Mainly 5 Seconds of Summer, Green Day, Alex Sampson and Ed Sheeran.)

As I chanced a quick glance at my schedule, a risky thing in the scarily overcrowded hallway, I felt a hand on my shoulder and nearly shouted.

Of course.

Christian Ledger had miraculously appeared, somehow still smiling. He gestured down at my schedule, sadly deciding to speak.

"Vocal's after lunch, we have English next, with Jess and Jordan."

"Oh," I offered lamely, annoyed with myself. I had been heading the wrong way.

With another stupidly crooked grim, he offered me his hand, and because I could see people watching- only because of that- I took it.

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