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As I would expect from any sane human, I'm not a morning person.

Everyone knows this, my mother, my father, Jessie. Everyone who wants to live does not wake me before at least eight-six forty five on school days. However, clearly, Christian Ledger does not know this-otherwise he wouldn't be calling me at six am.

I shouldn't have answered it, in fact I probably could've just ignored it, but I didn't.

And the only reason I didn't was because I'd set his ringtone to the most annoying song that came to my mind at eleven-thirty pm-

And now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needin' stiches.

Trippin over myself achen' , beggin' you to come out.

Cause now that I'm without your kisses, I'll be needin'-

Okay, so maybe it wasn't a super annoying song, but as I said- it was nearly midnight.

Reaching out and unplugging my phone, I accepted the call.

"What is it?" I asked, not bothering with hello.

Was it rude? Absolutely.

Did I care? No.

Still, it didn't seem to throw him off at all.

"Well, I forgot to tell you last night, but I'm giving you a ride to school today. I'll be over in like-" there was some sort of muffled crash on his end and I rolled my eyes "thirty minutes or so."

Maybe it was his presumptuous tone, or maybe it was the fact that I had gotten barely five hours of sleep, but I was annoyed.

"I don't need a ride, I walk to school."

"Well, no one would believe that I'd let my girlfriend walk to school so-" more faint banging, what was he doing?

"And why's that? Cause you're super clingy?" I snapped, rolling out of bed and stumbling over to my closet.

Jeez this gave me a strange sense of deja vu.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line-and I almost hoped he'd hung up, finally annoyed with me-but no, because when he responded he was just as normal as ever.

"No, because it's the chivalrous thing to do."

"Wow, big word, did you look that up?-" no response "But anyways, chivalry is dead. And I can't just ditch Jessie."

"Don't worry about it, Jordan can give him a ride, I'll talk to him. I'll be at your place in thirty minutes."

"How do you know where I live?"


With that, he hung up, leaving me all the more annoyed.

Glancing at the clock, I sighed, opening my closet. I really should have organized this monstrosity over the summer. I pushed aside my normal hoodies and dark t-shirts, trying to look for something different. Don't get me wrong, I was fine with my normal wardrobe, I just knew that if I arrived with Christin, people were going to be looking at me. Actually looking at me, and the last thing I needed were whispers of me being some sort of...I don't know. I just needed to look different.

Sifting through clothes, I immediately vetoed any sort of dress or skirt. It was already bad enough having to wear a swimsuit yesterday. I suppose I should just be glad Jes didn't ask why I hadn't gone swimming. It took me twice as long to settle on an outfit- leggings, this light blue shirt- which left me little time to manage my hair. Thankful that I had taken the time to wash it last night, I just tamed it with a brush. Then I got to what I was most dreading, makeup.

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