Chapter Fifteen: Christian & Olivia

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Study hall is not my favorite class, surprisingly.

Because there are so many kids, they don't even bother giving them a teacher to report to, they just say go outside or to the library and hope they don't skip school. A amazing system, right?

And they all wonder why our graduation rate is so low...

Still, that isn't my main concern right now. Although the first day has gone pretty well so far, its only a matter of time until I'll be forced to actually answer some questions about me and Olivia's "relationship". I mean, I know she'll get it worse than me, cause girls are just brutal that way. The fact that half of them hate my guts doesn't exactly help either I guess...

I asked Olivia where she wanted to go and she said the library, at which I told her I would just wait in the courtyard. It's not that I don't like reading, it's just that the librarian doesn't like me either. I guess I just have such a way with women.

With not much other choice, I headed out to the courtyard, heading straight to where Jordan was. Unsurprisingly, there was a whole other swarm of guys there, including Jess who looked kinda pink. The second I made my way to the center to Jordan he grinned, placing an arm around my shoulder in a casual manner before muttering. "They've got some questions Chris."

"Yeah, I bet."

Let's hope I have some answers.

While I wasn't best friends with all of them, I normally was on pretty good terms with all the guys. However, you would've thought I'd kept something huge from them. I mean, I guess dating someone is huge, but they and never really cared before.

"So Chris," Some guy with bright blue hair-whose name I forgot- causally made his way over. "What's up with the new girl?"

"What d'you mean?" I really already hated this.

"Well...she's just not your normal type you know? I barely know who she is, I mean is she some chick from the mathletes or something?"

"No, she's just someone I met. At the beach." I really sucked at lying.

"When? You two seemed pretty close today at lunch."

Well I was lost. I shot Jordan a look, but all he did was shrug. How useful.

"Oh, a few days ago. We just sorta hit it off." I smirked, hoping to shrug this all off so we could just move on, but for whatever reason, none of the boys were letting the matter drop.

"Is this about the dare?"

"Are you just dating her cause everyone else is your ex?"

"What about Lili? Weren't her and Liv friends?"

Question after question, nothing I hadn't heard before, but it still stung all the same. Even Jordan was starting to grow tired of it, but the more he tried to get them all to shut up, the worse the questions got. I don't even want to repeat some of them. But maybe the thing that bugged me the most was that they weren't all about me, like they usually were. Over half of them were about Olivia, people commenting on everything. I immedealty wondered why I'd ever wanted to drag her into all of this.

Or why she even agreed...

But speaking of Olivia, I thankfully saw her coming out of the library, just as final bell was ringing. Running to catch up with her, I was surprised to see tear tracks running down her face.

"Are you-" I didn't get to finish, as she hurriedly cut me off.

"Can we get going please?"

As we made our way to my car, I realized this was the first time I'd ever heard her say please.



When the study hall bell rang, I didn't waste any time. Christian asked me where I wanted to go, and I told him the library. I swear I saw him flinch, before he quickly caught sight of some friends and told me he'd just meet me after school.

Thankful to be free of him, at least for a little while, I put my earbuds back in, turning up the volume a little. Once I was properly wrapped in my comfort music, I picked up my pace to get to the library before the hallways got too crowded.

My school can really suck at time: ridiculous amounts of homework, high expectations for test scores, but one thing that makes up for all that is our library. It isn't as big as a public library, but it is quite a bit bigger than my elementary schools and it even as those rolling ladders I love so much. After saying a quick hello to the librarian-I temporarily turn off my music for this, to make sure I'm not shouting- and make my way to the back of the room and find myself an empty table. Quietly setting my already heavy backpack down, I wander around the shelves for a bit before finding the book I was looking for (Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo) and sitting back down at my original spot. No sooner had I settled in and opened the book, did I feel a tap on my shoulder. Already annoyed, I took out my earbuds and looked up.

It was those three cheerleaders from lunch-I forgot there names, but there was a blonde one, a redhead and a brunette- all standing to my right, looking irritated and superior. Never a good combination.

"Can I help you?" I'm not in the mood to be polite right now.

"How'd you get Christian to date you?" The black-haired one asked, not bothering with pleasantries.

"Um, I don't know? He asked me out, not the other way around."

"Well yeah, obviously, but like why did he ask you out? Did you help him with his homework, like somesort of cheesy rom-com trick?" The blonde one said, all sickly sweet, even though her words were rather awful.'

"No. I already told you, I'm not sure exactly why he asked me out so you should really go ask h-"

"Have you guys even gone on a date yet?" The redhead scoffed, interrupting me.

"No, now can you please-"

"Kissed?" The black-haired one offered, although she looked like she doubted it.

"No, go aw-"

"Did you like, let him-"

I lost my patience. "I didn't let Christian Ledger do anything. I didn't help him with his homework, we haven't even really been on a date yet. And no, I haven't kissed him for goodness's sakes, I haven't kissed anybody. I'm fifteen. Now please, go bother him with your stupid questions!" I snapped, before reaching over to grab my book I had set down previously.

The blonde girls hand was on it, pulling it away before leaning down to look me straight in the eye. "Listen here, Asher. I don't know what you did to make Christian Ledger want to keep you around in any way, what you said or did, but I just want you to know that it isn't gonna last. Nobody in there right mind would date you."

With that, she threw the book into my lap and sashayed away with her little minions, leaving me with only one solid thought.

I hate Christian Ledger.


Okay, I know I know! It's been quite a while (April 16th) since I last updated. I was gonna post this last night, so it'd be May 16th, but then it was like midnight so I figured no one was gonna see it. Should be another update later today :) to make up for it.



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