Seven: Christian

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I'm a lot of things, I'll admit that. One thing I never thought I'd be- jealous. Or at least, that's what I think this feeling is. Not quite anger, but not sadness. More like someone told me I was nothing.

That's how I felt when Olivia's face lit up and she sped over to Jess. They immediately began talking, and she seemed so genuinely happy, unlike with me.

I don't know, maybe I wouldn't feel this way if I knew what exactly it was I'd done wrong; As far as I can tell, the only thing I've done wrong is existing in the first place.

Still- I decided to forget it, shoving whatever that feeling was away. My friends were all still buzzing around me, Jordan telling some story that I couldn't follow. What was going on with me?

Blinking, I was lucky to hear the schoolbell as it rang, loud enough to wake the dead. That's when I realized I still had Olivia's backpack. I would venture a guess that she did too, because suddenly she was in front of me again, reaching for it. Logic told me to give it to her, but since when have I ever listened to that?

"Nope," I said, holding it higher "where is your locker."

She gave me a look that-thankfully- no one else saw. "I can carry-"

"Hey Jess!" I called, and he turned "Where's Olivia's locker?"

Ignoring his friends' desperate gestures not to, he replied. "West corridor, 127."

I grinned, shouting my thanks hastily, before taking off toward the doors, knowing she was following me.


She caught up with me eventually, though I was already at her locker. Before I could say anything she sighed.

"You know I can carry my own backpack, right?" She muttered, twisting out the combo on her locker.

"I would hope so," I replied sarcastically, earning a glare.

"Just," she sighed, pausing "a warning next time. You know, before you run off with my stuff."

"Fair enough." A thought occurred to me, "Could I see your schedule?"

She didn't say anything, just thrust a paper at me. I took it, looking over it quickly.
"We have two classes together. An elective, and English."

She looked at me, doubtful. "You take vocal?"

"Yeah, why?" I was scared for her answer.

Though, it was rather casual. "No reason, just interesting. Jess takes that too."

"Cool." I was going to say more, but the bell rang.

She took her backpack from my hand, and started walking away. "See you later."

I didn't bother responding, she was already too far away.


First Period-Homeroom

I had both Jordan and Jessie in my homeroom, and by the time I got there, they were already in their seats and talking. It seemed like Jordan was doing most of it, complete with his signature animated-slightly dangerous- hand movements. Jessie was more quiet, scribbling something down in a leather notebook. As I sat down behind him, they both turned, not bothering with any sort of hello.

"Soo," Jordan said, getting up and coming to sit on the desk across from me. "Girlfriend?"

I nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, girlfriend."

Jessie, who only now looked up, was confused. 'Girlfriend? Who and since when? Didn't you just break up with Lili?"

"Yeah, but the dare-"

"Right, right." He nodded, fiddling with his pen, before grinning. "So who is the 'great' Christian Ledger dating now?"

Shoot, did she not tell him?

Evidently not, but Jordan was quick to fill in the blanks.

"Olivia. Chris told everyone this morning. Though-" he pointed to me "I totally take the credit for it. I planned the party and invited her."

Jessie was incredulous. "Olivia; Olivia Asher? As in my best friend?"

He placed an extreme amount of emphasis on those last two words, making sure to draw them out as much as possible.

"What am I? A potato?" Jordan joked, poorly attempting to lighten the mood.

Jessie ignored him, turning to me.

"You're dating my best friend? The one who hates you?"

"Hate is a strong word." I muttered, glancing over at Jordan, who sat on the desk laughing like an idiot.

Jessie just shook his head, confusion evident. "Then it's the right word."

"She hung out with me last night." I interjected.

"Probably drunk." Jessie mumbled.

"She doesn't drink." I pointed out.

He just shrugged, going back to his notebook and mysterious work. " Whatever Chris. If you're happy, if she's happy-and you don't break her heart-I don't care."

Thankfully, Jordan took over the conversation, because to his statement I had no answer.

"Whatcha doin', Jess?" Jordan asked curiously

"Umm, homework?" He mumbled, scribbling some more.

"It's the first day of school, the first class, not even." When Jessie didn't respond, Jordan hopped off his perch on the desk, strolling over.

"Can I see?"

Saved by the bell-quite literally- we all grabbed our bags, rushing out the door.


Second Period-Math

My next class was an actual class, and I was bored out of my mind. No friends, and all the teacher was doing was going over the dress code, which was nearly non-existent from what I could see.

Or maybe they were just really bad at enforcing it, cause girls skirts most definitely don't go to their knees, and Jordan wears a tank-top every day.

Giving up on paying attention to the "lesson", I slipped my phone out of my pocket, putting it under my desk and risking a quick text.

bored out of ur mind yet?

It took her a moment to respond.

Olivia (602-349-0035)- not really, u?

I would've laughed, if I wasn't trying to-you know- not get caught.


Olivia (602-349-0035)-aww, no friends to mess around w/ ?

nope :(

Olivia (602-349-0035)-Really shouldn't be texting during class tho...


Olivia (602-349-0035)- wow, another big word ;) look that one up too?

At that moment, the teacher came over. I quickly brushed my phone off my knee, allowing it to drop into my backpack, not making too much noise, thankfully.

"Mr. Ledger?" The teacher-I forgot her name already-asked

"Yes?" I asked, glancing up.

"Kindly give me your cell phone."

"Uh," I pretended to hesitate, before handing over the book I'd kept the phone hidden.

"I said your phone, Mr. Ledger. Your cell phone, not your reading."

"Well you see, I don't have it." I proved my point by standing up.

Miss-what's-her-name, sighed, rolling her eyes, before handing me my book and going on her way.

I think I heard something about not getting paid enough.

Still, I was the first out the door when the bell sounded again.

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