Twelve: Christian

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I dont think I have ever seen her move so quickly.

The second the bell rang, she was up like a shot, I had to run to catch up, something that Im sure all my friends are laughing about now.

Christian Ledger, chasing after a girl.

Thatll be something for the yearbook I suppose.

But in all seriousness, Im actually relieved. Lunch was the worst part of that day, but I got through that. Fingers crossed, the rest of the day will be easy.

The vocal classroom is down in the theater arts hallway, so it took some time to get there. Once I did, Olivia was only a few feet ahead of me and I finally managed to catch up with her. The teacher was waiting at the doorway with a box of what looked like blindfolds. This did not bode well.

Welcome, welcome. Please take a blindfold and a seat. I'll explain it all in a minute. She said, gesturing towards the door.

I stepped inside behind Olivia and blinked. Most of the light in the classroom came from the lamps around the room. The harsh above lights were turned off, and there were no windows that I could see. Instead of the normal teacher set up at the front of the classroom, there was just a piano and a couple of boxes. Where there were supposed to be desks, there was a semicircle of chairs, several rows actually. Olivia had seemingly teleported; she and Jess were already in the back row, and he was frantically whispering.

Thankfully, there was an open chair next to them, so I sat down quickly. Jessie immediately sat up and turned away, though turning back and giving me a suspicious glare.


Did Jordan show you anything? He asked, pulling out his phone.

No? I havent had a chance to talk to him since about five minutes ago. Why?

What the heck is going on?

Jessie sighed, fiddling with one of his rings, Just checking.

Finally, everyone arrived, because the teacher closed the door. Humming some vaguely familiar song, she started digging through the boxes adjacent to the piano. Leaning over to Olivia, all I could manage to say was

What cult did I sign up for?

To my surprise, she actually laughed. A bright, true laugh that made her features light up. Youll see.

Finally, the teacher seemed to find what she was looking for and took attendance. As I sat and listened, I realized that this was by far my smallest class. There were only eighteen people. Even my study hall had more people than that.

Still, I wish attendance wouldve lasted longer, because I would rather sit through that than whatever code of conduct presentation we all knew shed been assigned to go through.

Once she was done, she stood up and walked in front of the piano, looking out at the room.

"Alright class, please put all devices away, and by all devices I mean anything electronic at all. No Iphones, Ipods, Ipads, Airpods, earbuds, headphones, Androids, Samsung's or anything else that I cant remember. Put it all away, into your backpack, not your hoodie pocket Chase. Yes I can see you. She clapped her hands together, smiling broadly. Weve got much work to do, and I cant have you all distracted. Now, did everyone get the blindfold from me?"

There were a few mumbles and a handful of kids who held them up.

The teacher smiled, "Fantastic!"

I leaned over to Olivia muttering, "Foreboding."

She just laughed, shaking her head. "Okay dictionary."

At the front of the room, the teacher continues her speech,

"Now I'm sure you all are wondering what I'm talking about, so I'll just skip the dramatics and just say it. The school tried to assign me a Powerpoint, but I told them no." She paused for-even though she said she wouldn't do it-dramatic effect, before continuing. "I told them no, because we have something more important to do. Now, I have one year to help you all advance vocally, but for most of you, I have no clue as to your skill level. Normally, I would have you all come to the front of the class-" Wait, what?! "-however I know many of you would oppose that. So I decided to be fair. You all will come up to me-one at a time- and I will tell you your number and you in return will tell me if you want a blindfolded "audition" or not. Good?"

No response.

She repeated herself, "Good class?"

"Good." Most people parroted back.

"Alright." She clapped her hands "Let's begin."


Hahaha, yes I know I'm evil.

Next part coming tomorrow.

Sorry for the shorter update, but hey I'm a drama kid, I live for the dramatic flair.

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