Ten: Olivia

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The second class let out, I rushed to pack up, abandoning Christian to walk with Jessie. Once we were what he deemed a 'suitable distance' from Jordan and Christian, he immediately started interrogating me.

"Soo.." He said, dragging the word out ridiculously long "What, how, when, where and why? You hate that guy!"

"It's not serious," Was all I managed to say, shrugging. The reality of this all was finally settling down on me, as well as the realization that there were probably a handful of conversations like this all over the school.

Christian Ledger was by no means a celebrity, but he was pretty damn popular and had dated at least a dozen other girls at this school. I couldn't name them all but I did know they were all much prettier than me. The best-case scenario would be a few petty barbs or comments about how I look compared to so and so. That alone was enough to make me uncomfortable, so much so that I didn't even want to think about the worst-case scenario.

Still, Jessie knew me too well and was unsatisfied with my weak lie.

"Come on, Liv. I'm your best friend, so how am I the last to know about this?"

Excellent question, but I don't know, so let me go die in a hole and I'll get back to you.

"It happened really suddenly," I commented casually, thinking back to last night and his stressed-out plea "Really, really, suddenly."

The other pair caught up to us and Jordan started jabbering and pleading to Jessie, wanting to see his songwriting journal by the sound of it, when my phone vibrated.

Jess(602-582-902): Fine, I'll just annoy you after school then.

Today was off to a great start


Right before we got to the courtyard, Jessie and Jordan, now ahead of me, Christian came up beside me, offering me his hand. It was clear it was an offer, not a necessity, but I took it anyway. If I was going into the lion's den, I might as well have a human shield to save me from the carnage.

I may not be a genius, but I certainly wasn't an idiot. Christian had a large 'friend' group and not all of them were great people. Great and popular don't mean the same thing, though everyone else obviously thinks they do.

Once we got outside, the sunlight blinded me. I blinked and when I opened my eyes, we were in front of the table.

And by table I mean the three tables pushed together and filled nearly to the brim with people.

At a quick glance, I could see a couple cheerleaders, boys with varsity jackets and a handful of them breaking dress code by wearing tank tops or sporting brightly colored hair.

In other words, I was spectacularly out of place and wanted to run in the opposite direction as quickly as physically possible. However, I was not given that choice, because Christian tugged on my arm and pulled me down to the end of the table, with Jessie and Jordan, along with a couple other random people. Nobody talked to me, but Christians arrival caused an immediate stir.

"Ohmygosh Christian-!"

"Hey! Soccer tryouts soon, gonna go for it?"

"Who's the new girl?"

I ignored them and opened my backpack, grabbing my phone. Christian didn't care, chatting with the dozens of people swarming around us.

I really don't know how he does it, pleasing everyone, knowing how to make them all laugh. He always seemed to just belong with such ease. If I didn't know any better I would say I was jealous.


Christian tapped me on the shoulder, his stupid easy grin back in place. With his hair a perfect mess, surrounded by a group of admirers, it was a harsh reminder of why I hated him.


"They're asking why you agreed to go out with me?" He explained, gesturing to the people around him.

I shrugged "I didn't."

They all laughed, assuming that I was joking.

I wish I was.

I looked over at Christian, who was laughing along with everyone else. I could've sworn I saw a glint of fear in his eye.

"But actually," I continued, "I agreed because he was so nervous when he asked. It was sorta cute." Christian looked at me, eyes wide and mischievous. He mouthed 'Cute?'

Regardless, everyone loved my answer, all the guys smirking and all the girls sighing. I really hoped they'd all tease him about this, even when we were over.

"So," One of the girls, a brunette in a cheerleaders outfit, elbowed her way through the crowd, followed by half a dozen others. They went down to Christians end of the table. "How long have you guys been dating?"

I nearly choked on my water.

Clearly Christian is just as caught off guard, so instead of replying, he just turns to me.

" I'm not sure, babe how long have we been dating?"



I want to go back to choking and dying.

Two can play at this game.

"I don't know. Feels like forever though." I reply, smiling with such happiness i'm surprised no one can see it's fake.

Across the table, Jessie snickers and I shoot him a glare. He holds his hands up in mock surrender and inches closer to Jordan, who in turn puts his arm around him in protection. Jessie's face turns pink and it's my turn to laugh.

Finally, the conversation turns away from me and I'm allowed to eat in peace, something apparently no one else does at lunchtime. The only downside I suppose was Christian putting his arm around me, which caused the clique of cheerleaders to trade looks and whispers with one another. I looked at Christian. Either he noticed and didn't care or he saw and was ignoring it.

I suppose he's glad either way, makes it easier for him to find a more popular girl once this whole stupid bet is over.

The rest of the period is spent watching Jessie blush way more than any sophomore boy should, and see the others girls at the table scheme and trade whispers. All in all, I suppose it wasn't as bad as it could've been..

But that didn't mean I enjoyed it.

The bell rang to the general annoyance of everyone, but I was thanking every universe in existence. 

I rose from my spot, intending to walk to class with Jess, but Jordan beat me to it. By the time I stood, the pair were already half-way across the courtyard, mainly because Jordan had Jess's notebook and was running for dear life.

I wasn't quiet sure who to cheer for.

Christian appeared at my side, "Ready to go."

"Mhm," I said, brushing past him.

I smirked as he nearly tripped in his haste to catch up.

Maybe I did enjoy this a little.

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