Chapter Fourteen: Jessie

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The second the bell rang, I was up and on my feet, smacking Olivia's head, and then already halfway across the room by the time her and Christian caught up with me.

They were so slow, honestly. Who can walk that slow?

Christian sped up a bit, now standing on my left side. He looked behind him quickly and shouted at someone about soccer tryouts, and then turned back to me. "Great job, man. I couldn't hit that note if I tried."

"Thanks. Took me like three weeks to learn that song," I replied, glancing down at my phone.

No texts.

"Hey so, uh, which one was Olivia?"

I immediate snapped out of it, putting my phone away. "Why do you wanna know?"

He shrugged, "Just 'cause."

"Should've paid more attention Ledger. It was obvious which one was her."

And that's true. Well, it's obvious to me anyway, but then again I'd know the girl since we were five. I may have a slight advantage with that.

Just maybe.

Still, I wasn't gonna let Christian get something that easy.

"C'mon, Jess, please." He was walking backwards and in front of me, hands clasped like he was praying.

"Sorry, Chris. My lips are sealed."

At that exact moment, Olivia caught up with us.

"Thanks a lot for waiting." She huffed, elbowing me in the ribs.

"You are so welcome." I replied, grinning.

She rolled her eyes, before switching sides to walk with Christian. In silence, he offered her his hand and she took it.

How nice it must be, to hold somebody's hand.

Although Chris and Liv were talking- excuse me arguing- I walked in silence.


The next class was study hall, and you could either be in the courtyard or the library. I haven't really known Jordan that long, but I felt pretty confident about where he was.

For once, the courtyard was not crowded and loud, in fact it was almost empty. It was easy to find Jordan, who was standing by the same table he had taken my book from me over an hour ago. As I came closer, he set the book on the table and jokingly held his hands up in surrender.

"I read four songs, that's it, I swear."

"So how were they?" As much as I hated someone else besides Olivia reading my songs, I knew that sometimes she was a little biased.

"Good. Like crazy good. Like you should be in a band good." He replied, and I could tell he wasn't joking.

"Believe it or not, the thought has crossed my mind before." I replied, unzipping my backpack and tucking my precious belonging safely inside.

"Then why not go for it? Like get some guys together, and just do it?"

"I can never find enough people," I responded, shrugging.

"What if I found them?"

I froze, and looked at him like he was crazy. And told him as much.

"Come on, it'll be me, you and like two other guys. I think it could be pretty fun."

"But what if you can't find enough people?"

He laughed, "I will." He paused "But seriously would you want to do it?"

I paused for a moment and took in my present situation.

A ridiculously cute, very popular guy was wanting to help me fulfill my no-so-secret dream. This felt like some rom-com flick, or Disney movie.

Slowly, I spoke, "Yeah, lets do it."

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