Chapter Seventeen: Olivia

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In the weeks following, I didn't speak about that afternoon at the beach, and mercifully, Christian didn't say anything about it. Keeping his promise, which I was grateful for. Honestly, I really don't know why I told him anything at all, cause I didn't have to. It was a stupid idea.

Especially when, even though we barely talked, I still had to keep up the act. It wasn't too hard, seeing as we didn't have many classes together, but I was getting tired of all the death glares from the cheerleader and cheerleader wannabe's every time Ledger so much as looked at me. I think Jessie could tell something was off too, but I think he was a bit too preoccupied with his new friends. 

Him and Jordan always seemed to be together, animatedly discussing something or otherwise sneaking off somewhere. Of course, when I confronted either one of them about it, they would just shrug and say they were just hanging out. Jordan wouldn't say anything, and was pretty good a dodging my questions. Jessie on the other hand...

"I can't tell you anything, because there isn't anything to tell!" He exclaimed as I walked with him to voice. Jordan and Christian were racing each other, so that was at least one awkward interaction avoided. 

I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. "You two are always sneaking around though, so what are you keeping a secret."

"Nothing!" He shouted, a bit too loudly. The people on either side of the hallway gave us weird looks, rolling their eyes. 

Grinning, I poked him in the side. "Sure?" I asked, stretching the word out for all it's worth. We were nearing the classroom door.

He groaned, "It's a surprise!"

"Aha!" I whirled around, jabbing a finger into his chest. Jessie stumbled back dramatically as if I was Tybalt and he was Mercutio. I continued on, "So you guys are planning something."

Jordan and Christian were waiting, and having heard my last exclamation, Jordan looked at Jessie and sighed teasingly. "It was supposed to be a surprise, Jess."

Jessie shrugged, scrubbing a hand through his hair. "She's been hounding me for days. It was like waterboarding, except much more annoying. I had to give in for my own sanity."

"I guess I can forgive you on that count," Jordan said. Even though it had been clear he'd been joking from the start, I don't think I imagined the tension leave Jessie's shoulders. 


Once we were all in the classroom, the teacher dimmed the lights again, taking attendance rather quickly. As we went through the same speech as last time, I did my best not to look at Christian, in spite of the fact I could feel his eyes on me. This whole situation was awkward at best and at worst a ticking bomb. I still couldn't believe I could be so stupid as to spill a secret I hadn't even told Jessie to him. The last time I'd trusted him...

The teachers clapping snapped me out of my thoughts. Honestly, it was loud enough to wake the dead, which even at one pm on a Thursday afternoon, was what most of my class was doing a convincing impression of.

She grinned widely, "I have your quarter project ready. It took some time, as I decided rather belatedly I didn't want to do the same ones as last year, but I think you should be pleased with this assignment. You each will be performing at the school exhibition, as a way to represent our performing arts program."

There was a mixed reaction to say the least. Those who took the class for an 'easy a' were leaning back in their chairs, groaning. The drama kids were all already arguing over who got to perform Dead Girl Walking, and the choir kids were peppering her with questions about how long their songs could be. It took her a solid five minutes to get them to quiet down to a reasonable level of noise.

"You will each have to perform three numbers: one solo song of your choosing, one duet and one song from musical theatre." The clamoring grew louder and she quieted them. "No you cannot negotiate, no there is no modifications. You will each have twelve minutes. Now-" She smiled, raising her arms. "get to work! You only have a month. Go!"

I turned to Jessie but before I could even say anything he said, "Me and Jordan are partnering up, go talk to Christian."

"Jessie, please." I hated how stupid I sounded. But regardless, Jessie showed no poit, pointing. "Go. Talk. Don't think I haven't noticed you avoiding him. You guys can't break up, so work it out." He smiled, "But I'll be watching you, so try not to be too lovey-dovey will you? It makes me nauseous."

"Haha." I muttered as he got up to go sit with Jordan. While watching him go, I accidently made eye contact with Christian. He had this stupid smile growing and he mouthed "Partners?"

Against my better judgement, I nodded.




Love you all! Thank you for reading and sticking with me.

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