"That man"

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I saw this man only once. But it was enough for me to say that I never wanted to see him ever again. He was dead, presumably, a long time ago and I only saw a picture of him. We could tell he was sick. But not any "normal" sickness. He had something that no one can explain, not even the greatest psychiatrists. We can notice this in his eyes and his smile. It is not a smile you do when you are happy, it's a smile you do when you have a prey. He was happy to see someone who he can unsettle and a weak target he can play with. I never saw this man, he was dead, but his picture is still haunting me. His teeth that we cannot see quite clearly on the paper were like wolf fangs, used only for his sadistic games. His eyes, that we also cannot see clearly because of the ancient method of photography, are still watching you, praying on you. Maybe this mugshot, because it is a mugshot, is so frightening because we cannot see the eyes, but his intentions cannot be ignored. He wants to play.

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