Relief (Part Two)

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Oneshots (Namjin):

The clock was ticking with annoyance, the only sound that was heard throughout the silent building.

A young man, who went by the name of Seokjin Kim, was pacing back and forth in the hospital lobby, the yellow fluorescent lights casting a shadow over the white tile floors.

It's been a week since his husband, Namjoon, was kidnapped by Jason Kang, the leader of Seoul's most dangerous Mafia, and since his body was found in the middle of the woods by a group of hikers.

Hence, why he was in the hospital.

He was waiting for his husband's exam results to come back, which was taking forever in his opinion; but maybe that was because it's been a week since he saw his husband.

An entire week since they had their last phone call- you know the one where he was told that Namjoon was finishing up at the office, only for him to get kidnapped instead of coming home.

Yeah that one.

Seokjin remembered being calm at first thinking that his husband fell asleep at the station again- which wouldn't have been the first time- but once the clock hit midnight that was when he started to worry.

He knew that the younger male never liked to work that late, always getting home sometime before 11:30, taking a shower and relaxing in bed after a long day at work.

But, when that never happened that day, he knew something was wrong.

He just had a really gut feeling that something was terribly wrong.

He ended up calling the police- mainly Namjoon's partner and close friend, Jackson Wang- explaining the whole situation.

He explained how his husband had never returned home, and how he had this terrible gut feeling that something bad would happen.

He was told to calm down, and to relax, getting told that some officers were getting sent to the station to check up on him, to make sure that the younger wasn't over working himself.

But, when they got there however, they found signs of a struggle: the detective's office was a mess, files and papers scattered everywhere, along with the wedding photo of the two young men on their wedding day smashed on the ground.

They also noticed that the white board that had information about the case that he was working on was erased, proving their suspicions that he was kidnapped by the Mafia leader, Jason Kang.

And all they had to do was tell the older male this, which they did.

Seokjin was extremely worried when he found out this information; in fact, he even cried for a week straight, afraid that he wouldn't see his husband alive, but dead instead.

So when he got the phone call from Jackson saying that his husband's body was found, he rushed to the hospital straight away, without any hesitation.

And he knew that this was an event that neither him or his husband would be able to forget.

"Seokjin," he heard his husband's best friend, Jackson, say, his voice calm but understanding, interrupting the older male from his thoughts.

"Namjoon will be okay, you know that right?"

He was sitting in an uncomfortable white plastic chair in the middle of the hospital lobby, a couple feet away from where his best friend's husband was pacing back and forth.

He was concerned for Seokjin's mental health, knowing that his crying every single night wasn't healthy for him.

He also knew that the older male was skipping sleep, just so he could stay involved in his husband's investigation.

Hell, he even tried helping him sleep at night, by giving him sleeping pills or making him tea that would relax him.

But, unfortunately, nothing seemed to be working.

The older man stopped pacing back and forth, his dark brown eyes meeting the younger man's light brown ones.

He sighed, knowing exactly what Jackson was trying to do; he knew that the younger male was trying to distract him, so he would stop thinking about his husband's condition.

It wasn't helping though.

He sat down in the chair that was sitting right next to the one Jackson was in but, only a couple minutes later, a doctor walked into the lobby.

"Family of Namjoon Kim?" He asked, getting the attention of both the young

men, the older male getting up from the uncomfortable plastic chair.

He walked towards the doctor, allowing the other male to call the detective who was on his husband's case, telling him that they were getting news on Namjoon's condition.

"I'm his husband," Seokjin said, when he noticed the confused look that the doctor- who looked like an older man, not that there's anything wrong with that- was giving him.

The doctor just nodded in return, not really bothered by the news, before letting the impatient man know about his husband's conditions.

"Your husband is fine, just a little dehydrated.

There's no broken bones which is good, just some bruising but I'll just give you cream that will help them heal.

Other than that though, he can get discharged tomorrow.

I would just recommend taking a couple weeks off work, making sure that he gets plenty of bed rest."

Seokjin released a sigh of relief that he didn't even know he was holding, grateful that his husband was alive with barely any injuries.

He knew that Namjoon would still have to answer police questions about what happened and what he experienced.

And he was willing to help the younger man answer those questions; he was also ready to take care of him until the doctor tells them that he can work again.

"Can I see him?" He asked the doctor, aware that his husband's partner, Jackson, got off the phone and was walking up to them.

He watched as the doctor just nodded, fixing his hold on the clipboard that he was holding- you know, the one that had his patient's information on it.

"Yes you can," he replied, smiling slightly, knowing how much the two husbands cared for each other.

"He's actually awake and asking for you."

Seokjin just nodded, then, without waiting for the doctor or Jackson to say another word, walked past them down the hall towards his husband's hospital room.

Everything was going to be okay. 

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