Moon Whisper

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Author's Note: This started off as a book, but I quickly abandoned it, knowing that it was easier to turn it into a one shot. And now here we are. I hope you enjoy this, and I'll see next week with some more one shots :)

One shots (Namjin):

Namjoon Kim has been sheltered his entire life.

He was the only child of the King and Queen, meaning that he was born into a world of luxury and wealth.

He was expected to be the future King someday- ruling his kingdom with poise and grace.

Unfortunately though, that all changed when he presented as an omega when he was eleven years old, changing how his parents viewed him.

It was frowned upon for an omega to take the throne, meaning that they had no choice but to marry him off into a successful family.

Thankfully for them, they had the perfect alpha in mind, someone who was humble, and down to earth, making the perfect husband to their son.

A young man named Seokjin Jung.

He was the oldest son of the Royal Advisors, meaning that his parents worked with the King and Queen on a daily basis.

Which meant that they trusted his parents, getting their permission to pair their sons together.

Their engagement was announced only a week later- to the misery of their son, who didn't want to get married.

I mean, he was twenty one, while his fiancé was twenty eight, seven years older than him.

Plus, he never met the older male in person before, meaning that he didn't know what to expect.

Will the older alpha be charming? Down to earth? Narcissistic?

He was terrified to say the least, but he still went along with his engagement, making his parents happy.

That didn't mean that he liked it, though.


"You don't talk much, do you?" The older male asked him that morning, his tone of voice filled with genuine curiosity.

They were sitting in the living room of the palace, drinking cups of tea, while making conversation.

Or at least the alpha was, since his fiancé was sitting silently, taking small sips of his tea, aware that they were being watched closely by his personal servant.

An unmated omega wasn't allowed to go anywhere unsupervised, in case you're wondering, meaning that his personal servant followed him everywhere.

To the garden, to his lessons, etc.

Which got annoying pretty quickly, but he knew that there was nothing that he could do about.

After all, the moon goddess made him an omega for a reason.

"No," he just muttered softly, taking another sip of his tea, while his golden hazel eyes looked at the floor instead of at his fiancé, who was sitting across from him.

He heard the older male sigh, before he finished his tea, his posture growing frustrated.

He just stayed calm though, coming up with a proposition that he quickly told the younger male, hoping that he would agree.

"Look, our wedding is in three months, meaning that we need to come to a mutual agreement until then, alright?

How about this: I'll come back every weekend, and, instead of sitting silently like we're doing right now, we'll do something that you want to do. Okay?

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