The Dark One

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Author's Note: If you want the backstory into the characters, then I recommend reading the book that I published on AO3. It'll give you more insight on their relationship, and everything. This was based on one of my favorite tv shows, btw, in case you were wondering lol :)

One shots (Namjin):

The Enchanted Forest used to be a peaceful place.

It was an island that was located in fairy tale land, and was home to many famous fairy tale characters- from Snow White, to Cinderella, to Ariel, etc.

Now however, the island found itself in the middle of a battle between good vs evil- heros vs villains.

Meaning that the island was a war zone- villains teaming up with other villains, while the heroes teamed up with each other to take out the villains.

It was a mess, to say the least.

But there was one person though, who wasn't on either side- in fact, he made deals with both sides, getting something in return.

That was the type of man that he was, only making deals if they benefitted him- plus, he always got what he wanted, even if he had to kill someone in the process.

Besides, he was known as the most wicked man in all of the realm- the Dark One.

No one knew how he got his powers, just knew that they were connected to a dagger, which was what controlled him- or at least that was what people rumored.

He could turn people into mice with a snap of his finger, and wouldn't hesitate to murder you if you betrayed him.

He was the kind of man who everyone in the enchanted forest feared, never saying his name, due to the fact that he had spies everywhere.

There was one man, however, who wasn't scared of him, actually finding himself able to stand up to the wicked sorcerer.

And that was Namjoon, his servant.

He was a young man with chestnut brown hair, and light blue eyes, who loved reading along with the idea of adventure.

He would spend his days inside the castle library- when he wasn't doing the chores, that is- reading romance books, and having dreams of traveling the realms one day.

But he knew that he couldn't- not since he was stuck serving the Dark One's castle for eternity.

He used to be the prince of his father's kingdom, back during the Ogre Wars, which were troubling times for the inhabitants of the Enchanted forest.

It all started when his father reached out, begging for neighboring kingdoms to help them, only for nobody to come.

Besides, the Dark One himself.

He came with an offer, stating that he would help their kingdom in exchange for a servant in his castle.

And, because he knew that there was no other option, the young prince agreed, sacrificing his freedom in exchange for his kingdom's safety.

Sure, his father and fiancé didn't like this idea, but they let the young man do whatever it took to save their kingdom.

Even if it meant never seeing them again.

Now, working as a servant for the Dark One wasn't as bad as he thought it would be- sure, there were some days where he regretted his decision.

Like, for example, whenever the wicked sorcerer would bring back a prisoner and torture then for days- having his servant bury the body behind the castle.

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