Spring Day

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One shots (Namjoon):

When Namjoon Kim was six years old, he had a near death experience.

It was raining that night, the rain falling down harshly over the village of Ilsan, South Korea, burying everything in a thick layer of water.

There was lightning in the distance, along with thunder, which was loud enough to scare the six year old boy who was hiding underneath the thick blanket, his chestnut brown hair being the only thing noticeable.

His grandfather and older brother, Seokjin, were sleeping peacefully in their bedrooms down the hall, the storm not bothering them.

But it was loud enough to bother six year old Namjoon, who was already struggling with insomnia.

And let's not forget about the young boy's fear of storms; more importantly thunderstorms which only hit the village once every summer month.

Which would explain the current storm, as it was early June; a normal month for storms.

Especially storms that were this bad; rain falling down heavily, burying the village and nearby towns in nothing but a thick layer of water.

The young six year old boy continued hiding underneath the thick blanket, his ears listening for any sign of thunder.

When he didn't hear anything, he got out of bed, bare feet touching the cold, hard wooden floor of his bedroom.

He was wearing a pair of thin nightclothes, as his family were on the poor side of the economy.

But then again most of the village was, as it was a small town during the sixties, not everybody having the financial stability to get buy.

Some people were even living with one meal a day, just like the Kim family, not having the money to afford more than one meal for their families.

There were also people who wore the same outfit everyday, not being able to afford new outfits for themselves or their families.

Even with all their struggles, though, the people of the village still came together to help each other, celebrating the village's annual Blue Moon festival, which only happens once every couple of years.

They loved to help each other like one big family; that was how close the villagers were with each other.

He walked towards the bedroom door, the six year old boy being careful not to wake up his grandfather or older brother, who's bedrooms were down the hall from his.

Besides, he didn't have plans to be gone for too long; planning to be back in his bed before the sun rises.

But, as we all know, that didn't happen.

He walked down the hallway, and through the living room, not stopping until he reached the front door, which was only a couple feet away from the kitchen.

He put his small hands onto the door knob, before opening the door, golden hazel eyes scanning the room, making sure that his grandfather and older brother were still sleeping.

When he came to the conclusion that they were, he slipped outside in the pouring rain, the front door closing softly behind him.

In case you were wondering, sneaking out of the house was normal for him.

He was used to doing it; almost every night, in fact, he would go to the bridge that was overlooking the river in the center of the village.

That was his favorite place to visit during the night; he loved how calm and peaceful it was, especially at night, when the moon was casting a silver glow over the water.

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