Me Gustas Tu

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One shots (Namjoon):

🎤 My heart flutters towards you, starting today, us.

We're dreaming and praying, starting from today, us.

I'll send you my heart with the wind and the sunset.

My heart that longs for you falls down.

Me gustas tu, gustas tu.

Su, tu, tu, tu, ru I like you.

Gustas tu, su, tu, ru, ru. 🎤

Namjoon was an adorable cat hybrid.

He had light pink hair, which matched his tail and ears, along with light blue eyes that were filled with both excitement and mischief.

And he was a trouble maker that's for sure, always causing problems for his father, Seokjin, who was more than patient with him.

He was a single father, who's been raising the young hybrid alone ever since he adopted him from the shelter when he was three years old.

He was a quiet and shy toddler, who preferred to color alone, rather than play with the other hybrids.

Which was one reason why the young man was attached to the young hybrid- besides the fact that he was an orphan.

Not much was known about his parents; all they really knew was that he was placed at the shelter when he was a couple days old, wrapped up in a white knitted blanket.

A blanket that he still had, never letting it out of his sight- a comfort blanket, if you will.

He was protective of it, since it was the only thing that he had of his birth parents, who disappeared without a trace.

Which was heartbreaking, but he was quickly adopted by Seokjin himself, who wanted to give the young hybrid a proper, loving family.

And he did just that.

His parents loved the young cat hybrid, treating him like their grandson, even though he was different from their other grandchildren.

Then again, though, hybrids weren't unusual around the city, since there were more shelters and businesses catered towards the hybrid couples that lived in the different cities around the world.

They were just looked down upon, however, and the young man was worried about how that would affect his son, since he didn't want him to suffer from self esteem issues when he got older.

You couldn't get everything that you wished for, though, and that was exactly what happened- the cat hybrid becoming more reserved and less confident when he became a teenager.

He was trying his best to teach his son that he was perfect just the way that he was, but was failing miserably, finding himself missing the carefree child that his son was when he was a toddler.

Although he was still as mischievous as he was back then, his behavior caused some comfort for his father, helping him ease his worries.

Which brings us to the start of today's story.


Our story starts on a normal Saturday afternoon.

The sun was shining down onto the city, and the birds were chirping, telling the inhabitants that it was going to be a good day.

And everything was perfect, except for the crashing sound that came from the kitchen, signalling that a fancy glass bowl- which was most likely expensive- fell from one of the cabinets, falling a couple feet through the air.

"Kim Namjoon!" Came the voice of his father, who was folding laundry in the bedroom, causing the fifteen year old hybrid to continue standing in the kitchen, his pink ears flat against his head.

There were footsteps across the hall, before his father appeared in the kitchen, not looking happy.

His arms were crossed against his chest, and he was looking at his son, who had a sheepish smile on his face, with disappointment in his dark brown eyes.

"Namjoon," he said, keeping his tone of voice calm, while showing how disappointed he was.

"What have I told you about being in the kitchen unsupervised?"

"To not to," the teenager just replied, keeping his tone of voice muttered, his light blue eyes looking at the tile floor, instead of at his father.

His father just continued looking at him, before walking into the kitchen, beginning to clean up the pieces of broken glass.

"What were you trying to do anyways, Joon?" He asked, being careful not to cut himself, watching as his son stood in the entrance way of the kitchen, out of his father's way.

"I just wanted to make you something. I mean, it's been a while since we baked together."

"I appreciate the offer, but I have chores to do today. I doubt I'll even have time to bake something with you, Namjoon."

His son just pouted, before leaning against the kitchen island, watching as his father discarded the broken glass pieces inside the trash.

"Can I help?"

"Don't you have homework to do?" His father responded, glancing at him for a couple minutes, while raising an eyebrow.

"The kids at school hate me," he just muttered sadly, looking down at the marble countertop, aware that his father closed the lid on the trash can, before he stood next to him.

"I'm sure the kids at school don't hate you, Joon."

"They do, dad. They hate me because I'm a hybrid. And not only because I'm a hybrid, but because my father's a human."

He placed his head into his hands after he said those words, causing his father to pull him into a hug, rubbing the back of his ears, like he did whenever his son was younger.

That was one of the perks of being the father of a hybrid- they were very easy to calm down.

"If you really want to, Namjoon, we can bake something after I finish my chores. Okay?"

He watched as his son's face lit up, before he spoke again, deflating his spirits.

"Be patient, okay? It won't happen right away."

"Yes father," he replied, smiling softly when his father kissed the top of his head, before walking back towards the bedroom where the laundry was waiting for him.

His light blue eyes watched his father leave, and he continued smiling, appreciating everything that his father's done for him.

And he was glad that he had someone as wonderful as his father, Seokjin, in his life. 

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