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One shots (Namgi):

🎤 Such a rush, you're making me lose my mind.

You got me like cray-cray-crazy in love, what are you doing to me?

Can't get off this bad roller coaster ride, you got me like cray-cray-crazy in love.

I'm addicted, outta control. 🎤

Have you ever been in love that made you do crazy things?

Where you were always doing something stupid just get the attention of your crush?


Well, that was exactly what was happening in Namjoon Kim's case.

He had a crush on Yoongi Min, who was one year older than him, making him a senior in highschool, while he was just a junior.

He was the bad boy of the school- always smoking, and skipping class, getting into fights, etc.

While he, on the other hand, was a goody two shoes, along with a know it all, being the smartest boy in school, top of his class.

He knew that Yoongi wouldn't be interested in someone like him, since he was practically a nobody around the school.

He had no friends, and lived with his single father, and nine year old younger half brother, in the lower class part of the city.

Well, that was compared to his crush, who came from a pretty wealthy family, who could do whatever he wanted, since he was spoiled growing up.

That wasn't Namjoon though, since his mother died when he was young, making his father work multiple jobs, just to support both him and his younger half brother, Taehyung.

He was currently at the police station, his wrist handcuffed to a mental table in one of the interrogation rooms.

He was arrested that evening for shoplifting, which just so happened to be at the same store that his crush bought his cigarettes at.

The only problem though, was that he didn't smoke, and didn't have a fake id, meaning that he was caught almost right away, getting arrested and driven to the local police station.

He's been acting out more- sneaking out, shoplifting, partying, etc.- just to get the attention of Yoongi, but so far nothing was working.

It was almost like he didn't exist in the first place- since nothing, and I mean nothing, was getting the older males attention.

His thoughts were interrupted by the interrogation room door opening, a police officer walking inside.

"You're free to go," he said, walking towards the table, and using a key to unlock the handcuffs.

The young teenager just nodded in response, before giving the officer a small and polite "thank you," before walking towards the lobby of the police station.

There he saw his father, standing a couple feet away from the front desk.

His black hair was messy on top of his head, and he was holding his younger half brother, Taehyung, in his arms- the nine year old falling asleep.

Which made sense, because it was almost ten at night, while his younger brother's bedtime was at nine thirty, and he knew that his father couldn't leave the nine year old home by himself.

They made eye contact; the older man shaking his head in disappointment, his dark brown eyes filled with stress.

"Seriously, Namjoon," he said, his tone of voice all over the place, telling his oldest son how stressed and exhausted he really was.

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